ECAS 2009
3rd European Conference on African Studies
Leipzig, 4 to 7 June 2009

Panel 120: The Significance of Model United Nations (MUNs) for Respacing Africa (Conrad Rein)

Panel Organiser: Conrad Rein

In South Africa, the UN and Education Africa is deeply involved in assisting High Schools and Universities in establishing MUNs to educate future leaders and to strengthen the importance of the UN in public sphere. It is my vision that one day MUNs will become a part of UNDPs official country programmes.

Accepted Abstracts

The Significance of Model United Nations for Respacing Africa
The single clenched fist lifted and ready, Or the open hand held out and waiting. Choose: For we meet by one or the other.
To What extent the Model United Nations (MUNs) can be Useful in Post-Conflict Angola?
The School of Leadership and the Integration: Model United Nations for Africa
Contributions and Potentials of the MUNs in the field of awareness raising on environmental and development issues