ECAS 2009
3rd European Conference on African Studies
Leipzig, 4 to 7 June 2009

Panel 125: Imagining Islamic Centers : Reshaping Locality through Shifting Affiliations (Tabea Scharrer / Britta Frede)

Panel Organiser: Tabea Scharrer / Britta Frede

This panel will concentrate on trans-regional Islamic movements and their appropriation by local Muslim communities. Starting at the end of the 19th century up to contemporary times questions will be asked on how the establishment of these movements is used to reshape localities in order to adapt to broader transformation processes in the field of society, economy or political systems.

Since the middle of the 19th century, African societies went through significant changes. These transformation processes were not only shaped by e.g. the creation of nation states, but also by the emergence of new religious movements.

Islamic movements refer to different geographical centres of Islamic thought. Shifts of affiliations to new Islamic movements might reflect new orders of regional or trans-regional relations. These shifts result very often in transformations of local power relations by affecting different fields of the local communities like generational or gender relations, the establishment of new religious or political elites, the securing of new trading relations or the implementation of new education systems. Tensions might be the consequence of newly established Islamic movements inside the Muslim community itself or between the Muslim community and neighbouring non-Muslim communities.

This panel seeks to compare effects of establishment processes of Islamic Movements be it in African Muslim communities which exist as minorities like in East or South Africa or Muslim communities which act in a Muslim majority environment like in West or North Africa.