ECAS 2009
3rd European Conference on African Studies
Leipzig, 4 to 7 June 2009

Panel 54: The location of Africa : historicity of the localities on the move (Benoit Hazard)

Panel Organiser: Benoit Hazard

The argument of this panel is that our knowledge on Africa are anchored in a representation which occulte mobility.Proposing an approach based on historigraphical surveys dealing with african migrations, this panel propose to develop epistemological views on classical africanists knowledge. Through the topic of migration, we propose to explore how stereotypes, categories linked or not with the colonial library, such as "terroir", "household" and so should reshape our representation of Africa.

Accepted Abstracts

The world outside in: Representations of modernity and urban life in rural Burkina Faso
When claims for autochthony are linked with migration. Revisiting the ethnography of the Boulgou province ( Burkina Faso ) through the historicity of the mobility.
Migration as tradition: historical, economic and socio-cultural aspects of migration in a Malian village
Citizenships in West Africa. In-migration, land tenure and public services at the level of rural societies
Lecture des migrations burkinabe et la prise en compte de leur historicite en question
La conception du monde et son impact dans le peuplement du pays des Moose du Burkina Faso. Cas de Bonam, ancienne capitale du royaume de Bulsa