

Scholarly Journals in African Studies: Meet the editors

Location KH033
Date and Start Time 01 July, 2017 at 14:00


Gregory Mann (Columbia University) email
Keith Breckenridge (University of the Witwatersrand) email
Maxim Bolt (University of Birmingham) email
Deborah James (LSE) email
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Short Abstract

A round-table conversation on academic publishing in African Studies with the editors of the Journal of African History and other leading journals in the field.

Long Abstract

A round-table conversation on academic publishing in African Studies with the editors of the Journal of African History and other leading journals in the field. The round-table will address the intellectual and commercial environment for Africanist publishing, issues of open access, and how it is that editors make their decisions on individual manuscripts, as well as other topics. Such discussions are a regular part of the US-based ASA meetings, and they have proven useful for scholars of all ranks.


Keith Breckenridge and Gregory Mann (Journal of African History), Deborah James (Africa), Max Bolt (Journal of Southern African Studies), Sandrine Perrot and Didier Péclard (Politique Africaine), Benjamin Lawrance (African Studies Review)

This panel is closed to new paper proposals.


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