AEGIS European Conference on African Studies
11 - 14 July 2007 African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands
Show panel list
Panel 36. Between customs and state law: The dynamics of local law in sub-Saharan Africa
Title | Author(s) |
State, Politics and the rule of law in contemporary Mali |
Pes, Luca
Land disputes and local conflict resolution mechanisms in Burundi |
Leeuwen, Mathijs van
Troubled judicial itineraries: the in-between out-of-court cases in Eritrea |
Bozzini, David
Between customs and state law: Land management in peri-urban Kumasi, Ghana |
Ubink, Janine
Justice for the Poor: Preliminary Findings from Sierra Leone and Kenya |
Manning, Ryann Elizabeth; Hohe, Tanja
Criminology and Justice in Today’s Africa: Institutional Disconnect & the Opportunities of Indigenous Innovation |
Haber, Andrew S.
Witchcraft containment in Cameroon: the dynamics of changing legal strategies |
Pelican, Michaela
Positioning the self: Pre- colonial values and post-colonial disputes among Shona Women. |
Mester, Andrea Johanne
Access to land in rural Angola: law and the customary |
Jacobs, Carolien
Lex Loci meets Lex Fori: Merging Customary Law and National Land Legislation in Madagascar |
Evers, Sandra J.T.M.
‘Traditional’ leaders and institutions in the building of the republic of “Somaliland”. |
Renders, Marleen C.M.
Effects of multiple land tenure regimes on tenure security: African cases |
Asperen, Paul van
The Development of Law in Makete, Tanzania |
Holstenkamp, Lars
David and Goliath – Local law and custom meeting an unlawful State - Corruption and Resilience in a pastoral society of Southern Ethiopia |
Gabbert, Christina Echi
Custom-made: constructing courts in colonial Kom (Cameroon), 1926-1960 |
Vries, Jacqueline de