Panels and paper abstracts
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AEGIS European Conference on African Studies

11 - 14 July 2007
African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands

Show panel list

Panel 36. Between customs and state law: The dynamics of local law in sub-Saharan Africa

State, Politics and the rule of law in contemporary Mali Pes, Luca
Land disputes and local conflict resolution mechanisms in Burundi Leeuwen, Mathijs van
Troubled judicial itineraries: the in-between out-of-court cases in Eritrea Bozzini, David
Between customs and state law: Land management in peri-urban Kumasi, Ghana Ubink, Janine
Justice for the Poor: Preliminary Findings from Sierra Leone and Kenya Manning, Ryann Elizabeth; Hohe, Tanja
Criminology and Justice in Today’s Africa: Institutional Disconnect & the Opportunities of Indigenous Innovation Haber, Andrew S.
Witchcraft containment in Cameroon: the dynamics of changing legal strategies Pelican, Michaela
Positioning the self: Pre- colonial values and post-colonial disputes among Shona Women. Mester, Andrea Johanne
Access to land in rural Angola: law and the customary Jacobs, Carolien
Lex Loci meets Lex Fori: Merging Customary Law and National Land Legislation in Madagascar Evers, Sandra J.T.M.
‘Traditional’ leaders and institutions in the building of the republic of “Somaliland”. Renders, Marleen C.M.
Effects of multiple land tenure regimes on tenure security: African cases Asperen, Paul van
The Development of Law in Makete, Tanzania Holstenkamp, Lars
David and Goliath – Local law and custom meeting an unlawful State - Corruption and Resilience in a pastoral society of Southern Ethiopia Gabbert, Christina Echi
Custom-made: constructing courts in colonial Kom (Cameroon), 1926-1960 Vries, Jacqueline de