AEGIS European Conference on African Studies
11 - 14 July 2007 African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands
South African War Resistance as a New Social Movement: A Radical Challenge to the Apartheid State?
Panel |
47. Reassessing the South African Liberation Movement
Paper ID | 352 |
Author(s) |
Conway, Daniel John
Paper |
No paper submitted
Abstract | This paper analyses one of the primary white anti-apartheid organisations in 1980s South Africa. The paper investigates whether white male political objectors to compulsory military service and their supporters in the End Conscription Campaign (ECC) posed a radical or an assimilatory and conservative challenge to militarisation and the apartheid state. The paper uses interview and archival data to assess how the ECC operated and assesses the ideological impact of its campaigning and the limits and opportunities posed by operating within white South African society. The ECC’s relationship to the wider liberation movement and the impact this had on the movement will also be investigated. Finally, the paper discusses the implications of the historiographical interpretation of the ECC for white identity in post-apartheid South Africa. |