Following on Lisbon in 2013, the Sixth European Conference on African Studies (ECAS-6) will take place in Paris 8-10 July 2015 at the Sorbonne and at the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE).
Centre Sorbonne : 17, Rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris. Centre Panthéon : 12, place du Panthéon, 75231 Paris cedex 05.
The co-organisers are IMAF (Institut des mondes africains) and LAM (Les Afriques dans le monde).
The principal theme of ECAS 6 is Collective Mobilisations in Africa: Contestation, Resistance, Revolt. This theme, however, is not exclusive. The scientific committee will also consider panel proposals on other themes, associated with emergent and more classical fields of study alike.
The ECAS 6 team looks forward to welcoming you in Paris.
Cultural events
Alongside the ECAS colloquium, IMAF and LAM are organizing AFRICA ACTS, a weeklong event dedicated to the arts of performance in Africa and the Diaspora. Developed with a large, local and international audience in mind, AFRICA ACTS takes place in locations across the city of Paris and its nearby suburbs.
> Africa Acts website