AEGIS Series: Brill and Open Access

With the AEGIS Series (published by Brill) AEGIS provides a venue for the publication of works drawn from the lively and expanding community of scholars with interests in Africa and its Diaspora. The AEGIS Series aims to publish books within the broad fields of study within the humanities and social sciences that would bring new approaches or innovative perspectives to the topics discussed. Titles comprise works that could also reflect established debate within African Studies if they provide new insights. Both individually-authored works and edited collections on focused themes will be considered. The first volume ("Is Violence Inevitable in Africa?") appeared in 2005. 

Information about new titles in the AEGIS Series and about the editorial board can be found at the website of the publisher, Brill. Books in the AEGIS Series are available Open Access (with an embargo of two years, in which books are for sale via Brill





27. African Futures - Open Access (PDF)

26. Africa, the Cradle of Human Diversity - Open Access (PDF)

25. Researching the Inner Life of the African Peace and Security Architecture

24. Destination Africa

23. Modernization Dreams, Lusotropical Promises

22. Afrasian Transformations

21. Mozambique on the move - Open Access (PDF)

20. Spatial Practices. Territory, Border and Infrastructure in Africa - Open Access (PDF)

19. Transfers of Belonging. Child Fostering in West Africa in the 20th Century - Open Access (PDF)

18. The Making of the African Road - Open Access (PDF)

17. South Africa after Apartheid: Policies and Challenges of the Democratic Transition - Open Access (PDF)

16. Framing African Development: Challenging Concepts - Open Access (PDF)

15. Collective Mobilisations in Africa / Mobilisations collectives en Afrique - Open Access (PDF)

14. Africa in Scotland, Scotland in Africa - Open Access (PDF)

13. Travelling Models in African Conflict Management - Open Access (PDF)

12. States at Work - Open Access (PDF)

11. African Dynamics in a Multipolar World - Open Access (PDF)

10. Corruption as an Empty Signifier - Open Access (PDF)

9. Child Fostering in West Africa - Open Access (PDF)

8. Long Journeys. African Migrants on the Road - Open Access (PDF)

7. African Engagements - Open Access (PDF)

6. Researching Violence in Africa - Open Access (PDF)

5. Mediations of Violence in Africa - Open Access (PDF)

4. Respacing Africa - Open Access (PDF)

3. African Cities - Open Access (PDF)

2. African Alternatives - Open Access (PDF)

1. Is Violence Inevitable in Africa? - Open Access (PDF)