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Ghana celebrated its 50th independence anniversary in 2007. In assessing the country’s development, several scholars agree that the country could have fared far better than it did in fifty years of independence. This panel takes an in-depth view at the challenges confronting the country in its development efforts and government planning. The focus will mainly be on solutions - the how to make things work better in planning rather than a critique of what is presently in place. The objective is to improve and maximize benefits in social planning and social development efforts of state organs. The panel is about innovations and barrier crossing; it will be about how to confront present planning challenges in the context of globalization. The panel is seeking papers that challenge Ghanaians to stop blaming others, take the country’s destiny into their own hands, urge Government to step up its action and be ready to accommodate private initiatives through proper planning and administration of services but also seek meaningful partnerships globally. Papers that focus on effective solutions in areas such as leadership in nation building; democracy and good governance; negotiations, trade and international relations; education for work and living; health, security and social welfare; agriculture and food security; rural development, mobility and transportation; innovation and technology; and, branding Ghana for 2015 are all welcome on this panel. Selected papers from the panel will be published in a volume of the same title as the panel to be edited by Professor Nana Apt. |
Accepted Abstracts
The Challenges posed by Climate Change and Climate Variability to Economic Development in Ghana
The Strategy Approach: A Response to the Challenge of Ghana’s Rapid Transformation by 2037
Transfer of Power to a New Administration in Ghana’s Democratic System: The Way Forward
Exploring A Behavioural Approach to Country Brand Management
Is Hedging Ghana's Cocoa Export Revenue Risk Beneficial?