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Panel 158: Private Sector Development in Africa: Competition, Contestation and Potentials for Change

Panel organisers: Sigrid Damman and Bjørn Erring (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology, Norway), George Owusu Essegbey (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana) and Håkon Hynne (SINTEF Technology and Society, Norway)


The need to address Africa’s challenges and opportunities for promoting growth and poverty reduction is urgent. The competitiveness of the private sector needs to be enhanced substantially. Africa should focus on attracting capital for investment, it is argued. However, the latter somehow requires a good investment climate. Even without existing competitive advantage there must be convincing scenarios and strategies for competitive business operations. The onus is not only on the private sector to work at this. The government has a crucial role to play, especially in developing holistic national strategies for enhancing competitiveness. Important challenges are how to involve other stakeholders and not only address the macro level, but consider the complex links and interstices between national frameworks, regional/sector industry development, and efforts to improve competitiveness at the enterprise level. 

The question is whether we have the tools and concepts necessary to formulate sustainable strategies for increased competitiveness, and whether there is the capacity and commitment to implement them. There is the need to measure up to global standards, but also to acknowledge different business systems and take local terms and perspectives into consideration. The panel will address these issues on the basis of discussion of particular research and development initiatives. Studies on productivity growth, industrial clusters, public private partnership, entrepreneurship, innovation, and private sector development are invited. Presentations on applied research utilising multi-disciplinary methods and perspectives are encouraged, but other contributions are also warmly welcome for consideration.

Accepted Abstracts

What Drives Business Failure in South Africa: Macro, Market or Finance?

Slow Growth or Bad Lens? Do Decision Makers Take into Account Petty Informal Entrepreneurs and their Dynamics?

The Crisis of Competitiveness in Africa and Strategic Options for Improvement

Nkosoo 2015: Nurturing Sustainable Oil and Gas Supply Industry in Ghana

The State in Private Sector Development in Ghana: An Overview of Policy Frameworks Since 1950s

Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS): Obstruction or Incentive towards Investment in the Production of Generic Pharmaceuticals in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Motivations, Challenges and Performances of Local Entrepreneurship in the Emergent Oil City Takoradi, Ghana

Challenges to Local Content Development in Ghana: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Local Companies in the Oil and Gas Industry