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The ’winds of change’ - a phrase coined by the British Prime Minister Harold MacMillan in speeches in Accra and Cape Town in early 1960 - marked the beginning decade of decolonization of African states half a century ago. These decolonization processes - despite their individual specificity and unique characteristics in each case - shared some common structural features.
The panel seeks to explore the legacy of these processes for African states and societies today and the possible changes in their development since obtaining formal Independence. A particular interest is in the focus on the role of the former European colonial powers and the United Nations in the transition towards sovereignty.
Invited are general papers on the historical context of the decolonization processes in the 1960s and thereafter as well as individual case studies. Special preference is given to Dag Hammarskjöld and the United Nations in the Congo, since 2011 marks the 50th year of dag Hammarskjöld’s death in his efforts to seek a solution to the conflict in the Congo. The panel will be held in combination with a Colloquium separately organized by The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation in commemoration of Dag Hammarskjöld and his role in the decolonization of African countries.
Accepted Abstracts
The 'Wind of Change': On Whose Terms?
Dag Hammarskjold and South Africa
Dag Hammarskjöld and the Congo crisis, 1960-61
The Belgian disengagement and the UN’s activity in the Congo in the Eyes of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affaires in 1960; and the change of the Belgian Perception of the Events in the Last 50 Years
What Butler did: Britain and Rhodesia, 1963-4
Southern Rhodesians at the UN, the Congo Crisis and the Case for International Recognition of Zimbabwean Nationalists, 1960-1965
The United Nations and Britain in the Independence Process of the Trust Territory of British Southern Cameroons: Politics of Independence, Subjugation and Neo-nationalism in the Cameroons since 1946
Italy, The United Nations and Somali Nationalism
Re-colonization in the Indian Ocean: Chagos and Mayotte