Type one or more search terms into the search box and click on the search button.
The search engine does not distinguish between lowercase and uppercase letters.
A results page will be produced: a list of web pages related to your search terms, with the most relevant page appearing first, then the next, and so on.
Boolean operators
The operator AND is set as default between words. You can combine several words or phrases by using the logical operators ‘OR’ and ‘AND’.
You can also use plus or minus marks for including or excluding words (see below).
The more of the words that are present in the page, the higher is the score.
If words appear in the same order as in your query, and close to each other, the score of the document gets high.
Phrase Search
Use quotation marks to compound phrases. If you wish to search for a phrase, you write text inside “…”quotation marks.
Eg. "African studies"
Use * for truncation of search terms. A search term does not always have to be entered in its complete form. Search terms may be truncated from left or right.
Eg. Tanza* or even *anza*
Prioritizing Words
Plus marks a word as necessary. By preceding a word or a phrase with a plus sign, you tell the search engine that you are only looking for documents that contain that word/phrase.
Eg. +policy +activities
Word Exclusion
Minus marks a word as not wanted. By preceding a word or phrase with a minus sign, you tell the search engine to exclude that word/phrase and only to look for documents that match the rest of the query.
Eg. nordic -africa –institute
Contact: danielle.jonckers@orange.fr
Political and economic changes are usually analysed in terms of development or crises according to western viewpoints, without reference to the way Africans deal with these questions. The panel will highlight the initiatives originating in those who don’t come to power, young people or women and those who call themselves the voiceless. Like them we will question the freedom of choice of reforms regarded as advanced by western power-brokers, but which pay scant regard to the voiceless .
These individual reactions lead to the creation of volunteer organizations which differ from trades unions or foreign NGOs. They create spaces to express themselves as local radio stations, farmers’ federations and social forums. Some film makers and singers as the internet provide an international audience to these local actions which converge towards those of other countries, giving a transnationality to the actions of the voiceless. Anti-globalist initiatives coexist with religious movements, which, in different ways, express also social preoccupations and opposition to the policies under western influence. Both question the sovereignty of countries which obey western orders. Group dynamics will be analysed in different town and rural environments. We will examine the countries where social demands are freely expressed and where the press and radio stations echo the demands, as well as those where repression is the rule. |
Accepted Abstracts
The Protest of Guédiawaye’s Imams: Symbolic and Historical Context
Initiatives of the Voiceless in Social Change
Claims of Young Ivorian Followers through their Membership in a Japanese Religious Movement (Sukyo Mahikari)
“Voice of those without Woice” and Discourse of “Return to an Ancestral Legacy” in Senegal. The Case of Serigne Modou Kara
To Criticize and to Commit: Rap as an Outlet and "Weapon of Mass Denunciation" among “Generations of the Crisis” in Dakar (Senegal)