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Panel 94: Political Insecurity and the Production of Displacement Cultures

Panel organisers: Mirjam de Bruijn (African Studies Centre, Holland) and Jonna Both (Amsterdam School for Social Science Research, Holland)


Situations of conflict and post-conflict in many African countries have led to academic reflections on the issue of security. What does this security, i.e. well-being related to political security, in these areas entail, and on whose (in)securities are we reflecting? Anthropological literature focuses on the question what security and insecurity means for ‘local’ populations. In this panel we hope to further this debate by focusing on the ‘struggle’ for identity and belonging among people who are living these political insecurities. We go beyond the conflict or causes of conflict per se and try to understand the situation for processes of identity formation through the lens of dilemmas, contradictions or even divisions that appear in society as a consequence of conflict, i.e. in terms of economic possibilities, religious choices, language shifts, and geographical shifts (displacements). The conflicts can be acute as well as long term, in the latter case the political insecurity is deeply engrained in the social fabric.

Conflicts can be wars but as well political oppression. In these situations people are forced to navigate these dilemmas and contradiction often forced to make ‘choiceless’ choices simply to ‘survive’ that on its turn shapes personality, or who one can be and thus relates to definitions of identity and sociality. We have labeled these shifts ‘displacement cultures’. Aim of the panel is to understand local dynamics of (political) insecurity and the way these influence how people carve out spaces of belonging, balancing in social spheres constructed of both uncertainty and opportunity. 

Accepted Abstracts

War and High Banditry as a New Fact of Nomads’ Displacement Culture in C.A.R

Landscapes of Conflict and Movement – Violence and Belonging in Northern Mozambique

Political Insecurity and the Production of Chadian Displacement Cultures

‘The Country is the People. National Identity and Angolan Immigrants in Rundu, Namibia’

Living in the Wilderness? Or the Production of Displacement Culture under Enduring Political Insecurity in Chad

Displacement Culture or just Murkiness in the Aftermath of Conflict in Burundi?

We Are the True Sons of Mau Mau! Re-Assessing the Historiography of Resistance in Kenya, 1924-2010

Insecurity, Social Navigation and Displacement Cultures: The Impact of Enduring Insecurity on People Living in the Mathare Ghetto, Nairobi, Kenya

Negotiating Local Protection and Emplacement: A Case Study from the Zambia- Angolan Borderlands

Mobility, New Media and Political Change from Jebel Lebu to Cairo

Bamenda in the 1990s: Living with Insecurity in the Birth Pangs of a Democratic Cameroon