
Image: Russian and Chips, Cowdray Park, Zimbabwe, Amanda Hammar 2017

How to become a member (institutional membership only)

Europe-based centres that share AEGIS's aims and fulfil the basic members’ criteria – as outlined in the Internal Regulations (PDF) – are warmly encouraged to apply for membership of the network. It is hoped that AEGIS will eventually include one or more members from every EU country. Associate membership is available to Europe-based national or regional African Studies associations, and to relevant institutions that may be emerging/evolving in terms of a focus on Africa/African Studies but that may not yet fulfil all the full membership criteria.

To inquire further about membership, or to submit a membership application, please contact the President of AEGIS. This is currently Professor Amanda Hammar, Centre of African Studies:   A formal application should preferably be submitted through the relevant chair or head of the applying institution.

Find the membership application form here

Plenary representation 

Every AEGIS member is represented by one person appointed by the institution. The AEGIS Plenary Representative plays a key role both in representing their own institution in the decision-making biennial Plenary meeting, and acting as a bridge between AEGIS as an association, other AEGIS members and their own institution. Additionally, they are responsible for coordinating relevant inputs into the AEGIS website, and actively promoting and encouraging AEGIS-related activities within their institutions and beyond.   

Guidelines for Plenary Representatives can be found here (PDF).

AEGIS hosts a closed curated Discussion List, which offers a space for all individuals attached to any of the AEGIS member institutions to post relevant news, events, announcements, views, discussions and so on. To subscribe (and contribute) to the Discussion List, please contact Jos Damen:

As noted, membership is not limited to one institution per country. AEGIS wishes to embrace and facilitate connection and access to its networks and resources to all Europe-based African Studies and Africa-focused research and teaching institutions. Additionally, AEGIS also encourages all its members to strengthen and/or initiate collaboration with relevant Africa-based academic institutions.

If you want to know more about any current AEGIS members from your own country, please check the list of members by country. Feel free to contact the AEGIS Plenary Representatives from any members already listed.

If you are an individual Africa-based or other non-Europe-based scholar and want to know more about specific AEGIS activities – many of which are fully open to all individual scholars – contact details are available for all AEGIS members institutions, as well as for contact persons for the thematic Collaborative Research Groups, the biennial AEGIS PhD Summer School, the AEGIS-Brill book series, European Librarians in African Studies (ELIAS). See the relevant pages on the website.

For more general inquiries, please contact us at the AEGIS Secretariat, based at ASC Leiden. You can find contact details for the Secretariat on the About AEGIS page.