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Liberalising governance in Nigeria
(Re-)viewed from below: good governance and CSR in the extractive industry from the perspective of local Africans
Conflict, identity crisis and the withering away of the African Union: a quest for a new AU
The imperatives of good governance and sustainable democracy in Nigeria
Nation and state-building during wartime in South Sudan: lessons on embryonic governance and practices
Traditional leaders and local government councils in Benin: who needs who?
Understanding current Rwandans' perceptions of obedience to authority In relation to the 1994 genocide In Rwanda
"Out-of-Africa": rethinking theoretical perspectives In African democracy
Constitutionality: lessons from local institution building and resource governance in Mali and Zambia
The African peer review mechanism (APRM) in promoting alternative methodologies for understanding African governance environments
South Korea's soft power strategy toward Africa
Japan's soft power in Africa
China's soft power in Africa: application through the state media
Japan's aid policy to Angola and Mozambique before and after the TICAD
The judicialisation of politics and judicial threat in southern Africa
Judicial politics and the negotiation of court reforms in Ghana
Reassessing judicial review in a post-parliamentary sovereignty era: judicial-parliamentary relations in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda
Diffusion versus strategy: the creation of West African constitutional courts revisited
Courting elections in hybrid regimes
The reform of local justice: a comparison between 'customary' courts and justice of the peace courts in Lubumbashi (R.D. Congo)
Reimagining justice in contexts of transition
Looking forward and facing the past: South African courts and the legacy of Apartheid
Debating DDT in Tanzania
Neoliberal conservation and displacement at the margins
Can global environmental governance fight the market (and should it)?
Natural resources management in Rwanda
Green grabbing and the trade-offs between conservation and poverty alleviation: fact or fiction?
Mapping nature - securing spaces: transnational nature conservation in the Kavango-Zambezi Region
South Africa as an ordinary country: towards the Afro neo-liberal state?
The Canadian advantage: gold mining in West Africa and debates on sovereignty, development and public-private partnerships
Connecting spaces of investment and dispossession in the southern African political economy of energy
Powerplay in Guinea's mining sector
Death and taxes? Mineral tax regimes in resource-rich countries with special reference to Zambia
Extractivism during crises of chain governance: The regulation of the global aluminum chain in Guinea from the 1960s until today
Governance of foreign investment in developing countries: the case of Mozambique
Investimentos da Vale do Rio Doce em Moçambique: entre expectativas e protestos
A contribuição possível do pensamento social brasileiro às análises acerca da cooperação/competição entre economias nacionais: desafios teóricos
In the eyes of the beholder: investigating research bias in 'land grab' literature
Mapping out the conflicts involved in large-scale land investments in Africa
Adapting to private acquisition of communal land in Ethiopia
Biofuels, commercialisation and contract farming in Ethiopia: the case of Wolaita
Socio-economic effects of large-scale agricultural land investments in Ethiopia
Large-Scale Agricultural Investments under Poor Land Governance in Zambia
Grabbing land for upscale safari tourism in South Africa: the social dimension of conflicts over changed land use
Forestry companies as partners for rural development? Conflicts and power relations in the case of two European investors in Tanzania
'Land grabbing' by mining companies, local contentions and state reconfiguration in South-Kivu (DRC)
Between ethnic and national: the clash of nationalisms during the revolution and decolonisation in Rwanda
Seeds in the grass: the emergence and early development of a Southern Sudanese 'nationalist' movement (1947-1965 ca)
Colonial perspective and nationalism(s) in Ethiopia in the context of African decolonization
Competing identities and the emergence of Eritrean nationalism between 1941 and 1952
The reciprocal assimilation of exiled elites: Oscar Kambona and the networking of nationalism and opposition outside Tanzania, 1956-1992
The construction of nationalism and imagination of Zimbabwe
Cross-border nationalism and its regional discontents in the Zambian/Katangese Copperbelt, 1955-1964
Support to nationalist movements from Nkrumah's Ghana
Suffering for the nation? Comparing Guinea-Bissau and Guinea's cornerstones of national identity
Sawaba, Niger and the nationalist revolution of a social movement (1954-1974)
Competing nationalisms and national independence: an example from the Sahara
Activism in limbo: an existentialist inquest into declining revolutionary volunteerism in Nigeria
Civil society and the problem of ethnic premordialism in a plural African state
Democracy and the ideal role of civil society in contemporary Nigeria
Complementing CRO and HRO methods: appropriating Yoruba cultural response to Nigeria's challenges
Education, civic virtues and the consolidation of democracy in Africa
Checking democratic regimes in Africa: revisiting the basic assumptions about man
The decline of democracy advocacy and dangers of ethnic politics in Africa
The struggles of human rights activism to achieve rights to health in Nigeria: an exploration of the challenges
Civil society, civic spirit and representative governance in Nigeria: issues and perspectives
Nigerian writers as activists: curing collective amnesia with the civil war novel
The European Union, regional conflicts and the promotion of regional integration
Complex insecurities: Ethiopia's balancing act between state security and human security
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a laboratory for EU crisis management
Universalising security: a gender critique of human security in the EU training mission in Somalia
A critical evaluation of the motives behind the EU's conflict prevention and management missions in Africa from 2002 to 2012
Um ordálio de composição social
As narrativas biográficas e as metodologias de investigação-ação sobre a memória e o esquecimento
Memória e esquecimento do Projeto Kalunga: narrativas identitárias e cartografias musicais
Dos espectros e dos fantasmas: reinventando a memória poética de Batepá em Alda Espírito Santo e Conceição Lima
O discurso alegórico como forma de recontar a história
Portugal híbrido, Portugal europeu? Contributos das narrativas ficcionais para uma sociologia pós-colonial das ausências
Bug-Jargal de Victor Hugo: as representações culturais e somáticas dos escravos de São Domingos como legitimação da negrofilia e do abolicionismo
Acknowledging the Orishas in Afro-Caribbean and Afro-American cultural formation: a womanist spiritual approach in Painting Away Regrets by Opal Palmer Adisa
Brazil and China's energy quest in Africa: a comparative analysis
Chinese NOCs evolving investment strategy in Subsaharan Africa: 1995-2011
American and British strategies in the twenty-first century scramble for Africa's energy resources
Threats and opportunities in the new scramble for Africa's oil and gas resources between the West and the East: a case study of Nigeria
Perspectives from South African corporations on BRIC's engagements in Africa
Energy and regional integration? The Democratic Republic of Congo's position in the southern African power pool
Energy from across the border?: Explaining South Africa's regional energy policy
Back to the debate on the resource curse: the rapid and controversial emergence of Mozambique as an exporter of energy resources
The scramble for oil revenue and challenges to socio-economic development in the Gulf of Guinea: the case of Nigeria
Fracking and the democratic deficit in South Africa
A shale gas revolution in the Karoo?
Renewable energy in Kenya: the emergence of a global assemblage
Imagining the global, conceiving the state in Zimbabwe
Leveraging global linkages for local rights advocacy: WACAM and transnational mining corporations in Ghana
Between contention and contradiction: the international context of Kwame Nkrumah's Pan-African Nationalism
Whose justice is it anyway? Kenyan activism in times of International Criminal Court investigations
Mobilized sex workers? Transnational advocacy, stigma and extraversion in Bamako
The gender parity law in Senegal: revolutionary turning point or "passive revolution"?
Opposition movements in Sub-Saharan Africa: do sanctions influence their political opportunity structures?
Contentious politics about UN humanitarian military interventions
Donor and recipient AIDS NGO interaction in Mozambique: the termination of a contract as a case study
"We want to report about everything!" Reporting templates and the production of agency in international development cooperation
Decentralised AIDS care in Mozambique: stigma as a detriment to patient retention in care
Three faces of global power: the case of AIDS aid intervention in Sub-Saharan Africa
Negotiating ownership: effects of external resources and reporting requirements on donor and civil society relations
The making of responsible risk-takers: the case of HIV/AIDS cooperatives in Rwanda
HIV, choice and policy: de-politicising policy on HIV transmission
The fiction of sustainability: funding AIDS impact mitigation through civil society in Malawi
Aids, power and local governance in the northern Côte d'Ivoire
AIDS sells: competition and power articulation in the field of HIV/AIDS in Mali
The self-help associations' participation in the fight against HIV/AIDS under the sponsorship of Family Health International in Gondar (Amhara region, Ethiopia)
(Non-)implementation of regional governance norms: the role of overlapping membership and (international) hegemons
An evaluation of the proposal for a single currency in West Africa
Comparative analysis of regional renewable energy policies in Africa: strategies, challenges, prospects and lessons learnt. The cases of SADC and ECOWAS/UMEOA
Cuban deportations in Fernando Poo in the nineteenth century: rethinking the encounter of African-American criolities from Hispanic and British colonies in Africa
Personas con albinismo en Guinea Ecuatorial en el Punto de Mira
A gestão do Fá d´ambô no contexto plurilíngue da Guiné Equatorial: indicadores sociolinguísticos e políticos
VIYIL: un concepto para la organizacíon socio-político y (su)pervivencia de la sociedad de Ambồ
Language ideologies regarding native and colonial languages in La Guinea Española
The re-location of local languages in the Moroccan sociolinguistic regime: toward a new glottopolitical model
La política lingüística colonial espanola y francesa en el protectorado: el caso del Bereber
Estrategias glotopolíticas coloniales de Espana y Francia en la región del Sáhara
Ghomara and Senhaja de Sraïr under Spanish Protectorate: a reflection on colonialism and minority language management in Morocco
El porvenir del español y el Sahara occidental
Linguistic policy in Saharan refugee camps
From religion to secularism: challenges of moral development in Africa and beyond
The language of sacred art in cultural philosophy, medicine and art: talking about two baskets of sacred artefacts from northern Ghana
Advancing an African theory of modernity and applying the same to interrogate contemporary African philosophy of religion
'Aren't We Your People Too': Pentecostal Charismatic discourse in Kampala, Uganda, public health and sexuality.
introduction to sociomony and African untonomics
The role of religion among Somalis in Sweden when experiencing illness and suffering
The invisibility of death among African migrants in Portugal
African states and development: a historical perspective on state legitimacy and development capacity, 1890-2010
Poliscapes and political imaginaries: Ghana and Uganda since the 1970s
Space and discourses of modernisation: electricity and state legitimacy in Ghana and Tanzania
Politics of history in the Ghana-Côte d'Ivoire borderland
Re-imagining colonial grazing boundaries in northern Kenya
Seeking secession from the Kingdom of Buganda: contesting colonial ethnic boundaries in twentieth century Uganda
Nomadic frontiers and state boundaries: Malual and Rizeigat on the Sudan-South Sudan border
Of past and present: Mwami Rwabugiri and the conflict in Kivu
Imagined sovereignties and claims of citizenship during struggles for Western Sahara
The politics of history in Borno, Nigeria
The Bakassi Peninsula zone of Nigeria and Cameroon: the politics of history in contemporary African border disputes
Between myths and methods: doing fieldwork in times of emergency
Trapped in our minds: dilemmas between apprehension of comprehension doing fieldwork in the context of violent conflict
Revolutionary ethnography? The role of the anthropologist-expert during political upheaval
Pornography of violence, ethnography of emotions: ethical challenges of reporting research findings from a post-conflict society
Fieldwork in conflict zones and the international criminalization of violence
Ethnographic research with mid-ranking rebel officers
Veils of disguise in rural Rwanda: public obedience, hidden dissent
'History will prove us right': reflections from fieldwork on a small but long war
ECOWAS and conflict resolution in west Africa: sharing eight months of field research in Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia and Sierra Leone
Fluidity and complexity at the Juba peace talks: the challenge of researching complex peace processes
Becoming 'a rogue anthropologist': caught between the university and the village in war-torn DRCongo
Ethical challenges of fieldwork-based research in conflict zones
'You shouldn't be seen talking to them!' Reflections on building rapport, expressing neutrality and ensuring trust - ethnographic field research amidst pre-election tensions in KwaZulu-Natal, South Af
"Don't worry, I am a spy too!" Trust and scepticism in fieldwork under fire
Reforming the Congolese mineral sector: Ffrom official norms to every-day practices
Where everything seems to fail... Regulating the gold sector in eastern DRCongo
Resource politics: what really is contentious about resources?
Oil resource finds and the space of indigeneity in the Albertine Grabben in western Uganda
An evaluation of governmental policies used in the management of natural resources: a focus on Botswana and Nigeria and Lessons for Ghana
Mine-induced urbanization: the development of gold mining settlements in Ghana
Environmental justices and injustices of large-scale gold mining in Ghana: a study of three mining communities near Obuasi
Forced resettlements: from impacts to opportunities - the case of Moatize mine (Mozambique)
How different sorts of actors built Lunda towns in Angola
Mining activities and urbanization in a fragile conflict setting: the case of Nyabibwe, eastern D.R. Congo
Eritrean gold fields: from past hopes to present and future "benefits"
Mapping Tanzania's Artisanal Mining and Urbanization
Poverty or Prosperity in Tanzanian Artisanal Mining Settlements?
Indirect urbanization: locational ties and preferences, housing, and multi-locational strategies of artisanal miners in Tanzania
Adding value through the ethical mineral trade: livelihood building for urban mining economies?
Listening to Koukan Kourcia: cinema and migration in Niger
Nollywood and deceptive Eldorados
Southern modernity: the Agudás' architecture on the Bight of Benin
Narratives and silences: new forms of mobility among pastoral Fulbe of north-/western Cameroon
War narratives in DRC
Poetry without frontiers and migratory issues in Western Sahara: denigration, dissuasion, mobilization
" Singing absence, praising return": the discourse on migrants in Zarma country (Niger)
Kar Kar and migration in Mali
About a "choreography" composed in tribute to the "52", little maids from Mali
Migration and theatre practices in Mali
Essinga: the linguistic crossing of central African refugees in Bamako
Allies in the south: networks that supported and contributed to southern African independences
Colonial war memories: secret alliances and imagined maps
Defining fronts in southern Africa: a sub-regional agenda
India's engagement in UN peace-keeping missions in the Congo: ethics, business and power politics
A escrita da história na história das escritas: trânsitos literários
Interrogando a 'Terceira África': colonialismo, capitalismo e nacionalismo branco em África Austral
A memória imperial: o posto dos silêncios na guerra colonial portuguesa
The Libyan role in the Sahel and a new regional order?
Towards an effective UN-AU partnership for peace? A critical outlook based on the implementation of the R2P in Libya
South African solutions for Africa's problems? Pretoria's response to UNSC Resolution 1973
Aid and authoritarianism in Africa: introduction
Dicey donors: how donor commitment problems can explain changing foreign aid practices
Transformation and continuity in the relationship between the Ethiopian government and international donors through different political regimes
Funding repression in Ethiopia
Authoritarianism and the securitization of development: the case of Uganda
Aiding authoritarians: when democracy goes against donor interests
Consenting partners: donors, protracted electoral reforms and limited political participation in Cameroon
Conservation on contested lands: the communal conservancies in Namibia
Community formation and political contestation in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Conflict precipitated by human security: the interplay of group identities, territorial demarcation and the role of the state in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria
Making borders and identities in South Sudan
Twilight territories: political authority and land formalisation in urban Jigjiga, Ethiopia
Spatiality, power and peace in Africa: revisiting territorial power-sharing
Recasting "the local" in peacebuilding and post-war governance: illustrations from DRC, Burundi and South Sudan
Rescaling power in Uganda: Buganda-central government relations since 2000
A critical analysis of trajectories in trans-border ethnic mobilisation: the case of Lozi and Chewa of southern Africa
Ambiguous development; how South Sudan's elites respond to the interventions by multiple international actors
Interpreting the legitimacy of aid
The End of Nollywood's Guilded Age? The State, marketers' guilds and the struggle for distribution.
Interrelated patterns of cooperation, conflict and accumulation in an unruly pastoralist border region (where South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia meet)
Land reforms, platinum wars and rise of the 'indigene': the reshaping of rural authority during and after land reform in Zimbabwe
Mai Mai militias and processes of state (un)making in eastern DR Congo
Plural authority and shared sovereignties in post-conflict statebuilding
The performing body: kinesic codes in Wole Soyinka's drama
Marked bodies: inscribing deviance and difference in Yvonne Vera's Butterfly Burning (1998)
Muscles, dresses and conflicting ideas of progress: Ethiopia in the 1960s and 1970s
Being "una busca" for a while: consumption and commodification of young bodies in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea)
To be born as a social being: giving identity to the newborn Bubi baby (Ecuatorial Guinea)
Colonised, "civilised" and "modernised" bodies: the Claretian missions in Equatorial Guinea and the Bubi of Fernando Pó
The practice of skin bleaching in Equatorial Guinea
Managing ethnicity through the body: ethnographic approach to tattoos and scarifications among the Mbororo from Cameroon
Bodily memory of harm and the possibility of new forms of sociality: apartheid-era victims in today's South Africa
Perceptions of cholera in a border-area in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Youth appropriation of the body: youth appropriation of ICTs - Senegalese youth at the crossroads between Coosan (tradition) and Dund Toubab (the life of the whites)
The body and the performance of masculinities among a group of young men in Maputo, Mozambique
If you want stay cool don't take a bus: the everyday life of university students from sub-Saharan Africa in Italy
Aging masculine bodies and contemporary gender performances in Cape Verde
Transnational literatures in African languages, network and globalization: the case of Pulaar literature
De-provincialising Swahili literature
Translation and transformation: the national traveller in the Yoruba novel
Socio-cultural dimensions of Raditladi's poetry: reflections from images and allusions from selected poems
The production, contemporary issues, and form of Beyene Haile's "Weg'i Libi" ("Heart-to-Heart Talk")
Social history in the classroom: a post-apartheid Zulu-language novel as a teller of history from within
African culture as a weapon to restore nationhood in Mafata's novel Mehaladitwe ha e eketheha
The Evolving Social Role Of Amharic Oral Poetry In Contemporary Ethiopia: Azmari, Fukkära And Qärärto In The 21st Century
The philosopher also laughs: subversive traditions in Senegalese writing
Oral tradition and narration of self and nation in the memoir: Wangari Maathai's Unbowed and Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Dreams in a Time of War
Modern nation-states as barriers to regional integration in Africa
Regime change and regional integration in north Africa: opportunities and challenges
Southern African Customs Union's view of its place within the southern African regional integration agenda: challenges and opportunities
Children's decision-making mechanism to migrate for work: theoretical analysis applied to west Africa
Effective migration management as a mechanism to African regional integration
Intra-regional trade, conflict and regional integration in Africa
Grafted or crafted regional integration in east Africa
The concept of the "border area" and the challenge of border integration and security with particular reference to Nigeria-Cameroon borderlands
Regional integration In Africa: concepts, opportunities, challenges and lesson experience (EAC & COMESA)
The African Union and the challenges of regional integration in Africa
Love and gender relations for women on their own in urban South Africa
From disempowerment to empowerment? A study of the trajectory of the cross-border sex trade among Benin women of southern Nigerian
'Menstrual synchrony' claims among Suri girls: biology vs. culture in the sexual politics of an agro-pastoral society in southwest Ethiopia
Understanding the health and rights needs of lesbians and bisexual women in Abuja, Nigeria
Finding, keeping and losing fathers: reproductive networking in rural Namibia
High fertility in Niger: the role of intra-national differences
Factors influencing childbearing in coastal areas of Ghana
Socio-economic studies with social accounting and socio-demographic matrices
Preventing HIV-transmission from mother to child: emergency or chance?
Non-traditional sexual desires and gender traditions
"O Destino das Mulheres e de sua Carne": gender regulation and the inscription of the native in Mozambique
Relational subjectivity in feminist theory and "African" epistemologies
Homophobia and homosexual desire in Kenya
Desires and dating of young people in Kibera: the deconstruction of a de-sexualized risk discourse
Pleasure as paradigm in the study of sexualities in Africa
"Because I enjoy in it": knowing women and the power of the erotic
Female initiation rituals and sexualities in northern Mozambique
Eroticism and sexual pleasure in Diane Case's Toasted Penis and Cheese
Sexual relationships and the sense of self in urban Mozambique
Gendering consumption: advertisements in Kenyan popular magazines from the 1970s to 2000
Politics of desire: the night adventuress in Dakar
On becoming senseis of the gay: young African women's use of social media tools to co-create knowledge on the diversity and heterogeneity of queer African experiences
The pains and pleasures of love: transformations of romance and sexual practice in Zanzibar
Relationships between trauma and religion in a post war situation: a case study of Huila
Violência política e saúde mental: um estudo de caso da província da Huíla
O papel das religiões na conservação e mudança de valores morais na província da Huíla
Social resilience in a context of war: the case study of Humpata municipality in the Huila Province, Angola
Beyond resources: accounting for UNITA cohesion in the Angolan civil war
The emergency of new-indigenous? Questioning social transformation in Angola post conflict
Paths of war and peace: perception of women who fought in the civil war in Angola
National reconciliation and collective memory in Angola
Long-term violence and nation-building processes in Angola: social resilience in rural areas
As autoridades tradicionais, resolução de conflitos e o estado local
Rethinking social categories in post-conflict Angola: social mobility in Luanda in the aftermath of civil war
Ovimbundu ethnic and regional identity and association in post-war Angola
Identidades sociais na Angola urbana: o caso dos bairros Ingombota e Luanda Sul em Luanda
Institutional intervention in the appreciation and promotion of African indigenous languages for African development: the CBAAC initiative
Competence in foreign languages for effective global communication and national development: a case study of the teaching of Portuguese in Nigeria
The challenge of French and German as languages of instruction in colonial Africa: the Nigerian experience, 1859-1960
Status of indigenous languages within Gambian education policy: English vs vernacular languages as the vehicular language in formal education contexts
Ideologies of development and mother tongue languages: what really "interferes" with English language acquisition?
Renegotiating social identity in 21st century Senegal
Attitudes towards mother-tongue education in Uganda: "you try make sure that our children remain backward"
Africa-Europe Platform: the network for development of the African diaspora in Europe
Diasporas and development through the lens of Somaliland returnees: between competition and recognition
Africa and her diasporas: building global partnership for development (a case study of Nigeria)
Migration and development in Sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of funding, actors and strategies mobilised
The nation under the skin: a study of Ghanaian entrepreneurial diaspora to Italy
The African academic diaspora and the development of higher education in Africa: empirical evidence
Transit and migratory project: the migrants and their urban practices in Djibouti
Migrants and the experimentation of a sustainable development in west Africa: the case study of Malian diaspora
African Union, NEPAD and regional integration
The African Union and mediation efforts in the conflict in Darfur Region of Sudan (2003-2011)
Regional integration in Africa: assessing the challenges and prospects for the African Union
A critical appraisal of the African Union's response to the recent Libyan uprising
Mass media and the challenges of regional integration in Africa
Africa's African Union: new pan African initiatives in global governance
The NEPAD initiative of socio-economic development in Africa: challenges and prospects
Strengthening NEPAD as a strategy for sustainable development in Africa: the role of the diasporas
United States of Africa: a reality or a mirage in the post Gaddaffi and Abdoulaye Wade eras
The AU and conflict management in Africa
Virtual ethnographies: when text becomes space
Africa's voices: reflections on a pilot project using mobile phones and interactive radio to survey public opinions
Understanding politics and participation in the Somali media: research challenges from radio ethnography
Kenyan eParticipation ecologies and techno-discourses
Does information technology flatten interest articulation? Evidence from Uganda
The narrative state: imaginations about and claims to the state in the discourse of the intellectuals in Cameroon
"Poor people are never right": legal consciousness and families' accounts of Beninese justice
Effective corruption control: implementing review mechanisms in public procurement in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
In the name of the state: contradictions between law and practices in Botswana policies involving resource rights, and development of rural populations
De-judicialisation, outsourced review and all too flexible bureaucracies in South African land restitution
Legal pluralism or double standards? Unacceptable law and accountability in Burkina Faso decentralised forest governance
Legal fragmentation for institutional fragmentation? Effects of legal fragmentation on the decentralization of forest management, Senegal
Soft law enforcement in the Nigérien gendarmerie
Juggling with the norms: everyday practice in an emergency service in Niger
War, literature and nationalism in Angola from the 1960s until nowadays
Considering nationalist narratives in Angola: nation and ethnicity in Mayombe and Yaka
Postcolonial engagement and redefinition of Amílcar Cabral's politics of national
The genealogy of proto-nationalism in Mozambique (1877-1918)
Sonhos de igualdade, pesadelos de diferença: os intelectuais do Centro de Estudos Angolanos
O Instituto Moçambicano construtor da identidade do Moçambique independente e das suas elites políticas
São Tomé and Principe: socialist ideology against 'homeland values'
Reporting the story of a movement: actors from 5 in the history of MPLA - recent speeches
Alcances do projeto partido/estado em Cabo Verde
Sport and banal nationalisms in Mozambique
Different political disputes in Angolan independence
Brazil-Africa relations from the 1960s to the present: (dis)continuities under changing domestic and global political contexts
Russia - Africa: horizons of cooperation and development
Morphology and anatomy of Indo-African relations in the 21st century: issues and challenges
"China's march into Africa": strategic partnership or neo-colonialism?
South Africa, the BRICS and the currency wars: shaping Africa's future
China and Brazil in Africa
BRICS and bilateral South-South cooperation in Mozambique: tensions and possibilities
India's development cooperation with Africa: a South-South perspective
The IBSA within: HIV, health diplomacy and the possibilities of South-South cooperation
Brazil as a sponsor of cash transfer programmes in sub-Saharan Africa
Brazil's agricultural cooperation in Africa: new paradigms?
South-South cooperation in agriculture and the role of BRICS countries
There must be peace
Money, morals and law: police patrols in Ghana
Historicising vigilante policing in semi-urban Plateau State, Nigeria
Twilight policing: the performance of sovereign power in Durban, South Africa
The politics of community policing in Mwanza, Tanzania
'We are not unity': comparing everyday policing in an Indian and a black township
Rival forms of policing and politics in urban Swaziland
Police reform in Sierra Leone and the reproduction of hybridity
Histories of policing and punishment in South Sudan
Ordering politics: political detention and the law in 1980s Zimbabwe
Plural policing in African business spaces: mining companies and the reconfiguration of 'public' and 'private' in South Africa
Language endangerment and its implication for knowledge of biodiversity in Cameroon: the case of Manyu Division
'Western science', anthropological knowledge and African fractals: trajectories in space and time
Dynamiques sociolinguistiques entre les langues nationales et officielles en Afrique francophone
Berber (Amazigh) in contemporary Morocco: official empowerment and self-perception
The various destinies of African languages in a multipolar world
The African protoproverbial in a multipolar world
The role and influence of civil society organisations as independent monitors and/or evaluators of government programs and policies: a case study of Ghana
Les dynamiques de la lutte contre la corruption au Bénin : l'engagement des médias et de la société civile face à l'Etat
Women's movements and political change in west Africa
Relations between CSOs and MMD governments in Zambia
Enough is Enough! Re-awakening civil society in the face of state hegemony in Uganda
On the form of religious movements
Unity through diversity: a case study of Chrislam in Lagos
"Orpaillage, that's total anarchy!": normative vacuums and autonomous rule-making in artisanal gold sites in Burkina Faso
Two incompatible conceptions on gold mining in Sahel: divination and geology
Thief at the stake: social and cultural analysis of illegal practices among residents of Slum Kibera (Kenya)
Social violence and popular justice in Central African Republic
Clean plots and dirty plots: the contentious coexistence of the different land tenure systems in Mali
"Mpanera Tany" or major stake holders in plot transactions: semi-informal land market and speculation in Antananarivo (Madagascar)
Landtenure arenas in Burundi: conflicting power and social construction of "practical norms"
The pluralism of norms regarding the family sphere: constraint or opportunity for the state of Senegal?
The moral economy of "untruth": norms of eligibility, biographical inventions and cheating among asylum seekers (Nigeria, Congo, Mali)
Big men, dokimen and feymen: migration brokers in the margins of the law
From normative rule to effective rule: disputes and conflict settlement in the urban informal trade
Official norm and practical norm in the struggle against maraudage: the administrative practice on the roadside
The inefficiency of professional norms in public health medicine
Resistance through law: current tendencies of a return to African law
The view from below: perceptions and subjective poverty in Greater Cairo
Young women after the Egyptian revolution: embodying political agency
Water in the 'Arab Spring': the human right to water and sanitation in Egypt's transition to democracy
Private standards, trade and poverty: GlobalGAP and horticultural employment in Senegal
Fair enough? Who benefits and how from fair trade in Ethiopia and Uganda?
The unfulfilled promise of certification: women's empowerment and experiences of work in certified tea plantations in Kenya
Social media and the 2011 elections in Nigeria: improving African elections through ICT
ICT in Kenya: has technology affected electoral outcomes?
The ICT culture and transformation of electoral governance and politics in Africa: the challenges and prospects
Tuning the old radio: of new media and participatory programming in south-west Nigeria
African creative cities: developing a new vision of the African city
A place for creative exchange? The role of culture, arts and creativity in urban planning in east Africa
The university city duality: redesigning East London, South Africa
Does culture enable national reconciliation? Post-Algerian civil war creative economy
On the role of new performance cultures in reviving Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) as an African creative city
Tailoring cloth, tailoring alternative modernities on the 21th century: a co-education program designed with the African tailors in Lisbon
Language contact and change in Portuguese-speaking African countries
Mozambique, 2012: reevaluating the language situation
Change and variation in the expression of the indirect object in European Portuguese, African varieties and Portuguese-based creoles
Policies, attitudes, and technical choices for emerging national varieties in Africa: the normalization of Mozambican Portuguese
Multimodal deixis: a case study of pointing gestures in the Portuguese spoken by the tonga in São Tomé in Principe
Object pronominalization in Santomean Portuguese
Ewe-Fon in contact with Portuguese: new insights from Peixoto's "Obra nova da Língua Geral de Mina"
Betting on the strongest: the external post-conflict intervention in southern Sudan during the comprehensive peace agreement implementation, 2005-2011
Natural resource management in the post-conflict context
External politico-military engagements 'for peacebuilding' in the Horn of Africa: a critical evaluation
Local ownership in Sierra Leone and Liberia: between maximalism and manipulation
'Internal-external' ownership of security sector reforms in Guinea-Conakry: looking behind the scenes of a contested concept
Nigeria's security sector reform: prospects from below
Does a more participatory approach to reintegrating ex-combatants lead to better outcomes? Evidence from Sierra Leone and Liberia
"Ordering Africa?" Perceptions of the US military's development practices in eastern Africa
South Sudan's decentralization process between international pressure and local agendas
Between global and local justice: internal perceptions and external dimensions of Sierra Leonean local transitional justice
Combative Labor in African and new world slave systems during the early modern period
From mercenaries to traders: the case of Nigerian elite forces in the Gold Coast (Ghana) 1874-1969
The Postal, Telegraph and Telephone Workers Union (PTT) in West Cameroon, 1960-1967: a neglected aspect of trade unionism
Transnational perspectives on mission workers across eastern central Africa, 1873-1900
Nigerian contract labour on the plantation island of Fernando Po: Atlantic constellations during late imperialism
Informalisation and the end of trade unionism as we knew it? Dissenting remarks from a Tanzanian case study
An African perspective on the ILO conventions on minimum age: the case of Ethiopia
'Now we are all workers…' The remaking of marginality in Addis Ababa's inner city
Northern theory, South African engagement: three historical examples from labour studies
A study of the flower industry in Kenya: the dual model of the post-colonial economy revisited
Eritrean female breadwinners: the Dolcevita case study In Asmara
Flux in the border: inward and outward labour migration in the Mozambique-Malawi border since 1964
Turning the poor rich: how the naming of middle class in Africa reshapes global perceptions of poverty and international development assistance processes
The consumers of Kenya: middle class or middle income?
One or many middle class(es) in Kenya? Towards an analytical frame for distinguishing subgroups
Elites or middle classes? The predicaments of studying social differentiation and inequality in Africa
Linking middle class and political stability in Ghana
Bulwark of democracy? The Ethiopian 'middle class' in modern political history
The elusive Ethiopian "middle class": constructed from outside, inexistent from inside?
Abstract for middle classes in Africa: the making of a social category and its social meaning and uses
Becoming in between: the transnational formation of Angola's new middle class
Middle class construction: domestic architecture and material culture in post-socialist Tanzania
Small prosperity and development in Malagasy rural area: the case of the region of Itasy
The middle class and political stability: the Benin experience
Drivers of long-term growth? Assessing the impacts of emerging countries on Sub-Saharan African economies
Brazilian policy to Africa: historical, diplomatic, economic and geopolitical dimensions
Chinese companies on African raw materials markets
Making sense of the rise of India in Africa: trajectories versus policy making
African agency versus dependency: prospects for developmental states given natural resources governance
Africa in Turkey's global strategy
New dynamics or old patterns? South-South cooperation between Brazil and Angola
Informality: an important feature of Luanda's urban process
The Chicala Observatory: latent urbanity of a neighbourhood in Luanda, Angola
Congolense spirits: the urban implantation of Bakongo religiosity in Luanda
Condominiums, resettlements and new centralities: an exploration of Luanda's transition to a metropolitan form
Fighting for the Soul of Tanzania: Regime legitimacy narratives in the multi-party period
Fighting for the nation: history, conflict and political legitimacy in Mocimboa da Praia, Mozambique
A youth politics that imagines itself through the past: what is legitimacy when the revolution owns the means of production
Contesting the past in Angolan politics
"Zambia is not a province of China": foreign investment, political mobilisation and economic nationalism in Zambia
New patterns of migration and the ANC's success in rural South Africa
Political opposition and the military in Zimbabwe: struggles in legitimacy
Gender practices in Cape Verdean communities in Spain: the plasticity and dynamism of gender as a structuring element of migrations
La diáspora caboverdeana en la Argentina: las nuevas generaciones y su participación en la lucha por la visibilización y el reconocimiento de la población de afrodescendientes y africanos
Mobilities in the family and society: an ethnographic approach between Santo Antão, Belgium and Luxembourg
The "encomendas": the flow of things in Cape Verde transnational family relations
Cape Verde: migratory dynamics between the 60's of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century
Capeverdean culture in diaspora
Redrawing the Cape Verdean diaspora: the case of Cape Verdean emigrant Nazarenes along the Atlantic space
O "contratado" para S. Tomé e Príncipe: representações em discursos de intelectuais e politicos cabo-verdianos (1910 - 1974)
Cape Verdean diaspora, new mobilities, new actor: the case of deportees
Migration and recomposition of gender relations in Cape Verde
Mulheres do meio rural em Cabo Verde: articulando novas estratégias de mobilização para a Europa
From and to the Cape Verde islands: transnational mobilities of people in the ECOWAS region
Cape Verde: the bureaucratic state machine of modernity (1614-1990)
From "migrants" to "Cape Verdeans of diaspora": elements of a social psychological analysis of contemporary Cape Verdean mobility
Cosmopolitanism and insularity in Zanzibar
Visual cultures and the photographic archive in Indian Ocean Africa: reflections from Capital Art Studio, Zanzibar
Visual cultures and the photographic archive in Indian Ocean Africa: reflections from Capital Art Studio, Zanzibar - 2
What makes a creole society? Creolization on the Comorian island of Ngazidja
Donas da terra: her-story on gendered power relations, reflections on variation and change in female land ownership and inheritance in the Zambezi Valley, Mozambique
Settled strangers: the emergence of an Asian business elite in the Indian Ocean region, 1900-2000
'No one wants to swear anymore': oath swearing and Islamic authority in northern Mozambique
Stepping beyond the limits of Khandaanity: gender violence in Indian Ocean writing
Mobility of rural youth and access to multi-resources
Les rapports ville-campagne sur le temps long: l'Afrique tropicale entre le rural et l'urbain
India-Africa: new perspectives on long-term connections and impacts on Africa rural-urban linkages
Farming and metropolization around Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
Stimuli of livelihood transformation in Africa. The cases of Bamileke (Western Cameroon) and Maasai (Tanzania)
New rural/urban links in the south-west of Madagascar
The rose industry and the new rurban links: case study from east Africa
Impacts of droughts and floods beyond coping and adaptation in rural Africa
Coup d'état, conflict and food (in)security in Guinea-Bissau
A vulnerabilidade alimentar em São Tomé e Príncipe face à volatilidade dos preços internacionais dos alimentos: as estratégias locais
Food dependency in southern Mozambique: from regular wages to informal livelihoods
Migration decisions, remittances and their usage in the context of labour migration from Senegal to Cape Verde
Migration: its causes and consequences in south east Nigeria
Households, food practices and rural-urban linkages in northern Mozambique
Without a pot you cannot cook rice
The Rwanda food crisis: national policy, local insecurity
Passarão as estratégias de segurança alimentar de STP pelo processo migratório?
The Lagos experiment: services delivery, tax collection and popular attitudes
The lights of the city and the limits of the state: electricity in Hargeisa, Somaliland
Politics of water flow in Maputo (the state, the informal and the citizen)
Urban renewal and transformation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contested urban governance: power dynamics at Luanda´s peri-urban neighbourhood level
From "formalisation" to "integration": shifting paradigm or functional restructuring of Informal trading policy in the Inner City of Johannesburg?
Milking a market: Somali women's social, economic and political integration through camel milk markets in Nairobi's Eastleigh estate
Government without responsibility: the case of Nakuru Municipal Council
Patronage, 'power-sharing' and urban control in Zimbabwe: an exploration of irregular urban surveillance
Staging state decentralisation: everyday governance in Kigali
Temporary relocation and community politics in Cape Town
Islam, female preachers and media: new forms of citizen participation in Senegal
Up to now, I feel like I did nothing for Islam: the "NGO-ization" of religious youth associations in Burkina Faso
Religious and social dynamics of the Niasse branch of the Tijâniyya among youth in Dakar (Senegal) and Lomé (Togo)
Pentecostals, politics and the public space in Kampala
The secular attempts of west African anti-slavery movements to 'develop' fellow citizens and challenge religious ideologies
" A gift, a child and change for life": religious NGOs and children in Côte d'Ivoire
Introduction: art and social engagement - aesthetic articulations in African urban spaces
Creating social capital in Bamako: the Cinéma Numérique Ambulant
Taking offence with no offence: the audience's appreciation of time and place/space within Nigeria's stand-up comedy
Dlala Indima 'play your part': park jams, participation, public art and popular culture in Phakamisa (South Africa)
Set setal and the 'will to power'
Discussing aesthetics and presentation in the trans-African project
Electoral behaviour and social remittances of Senegalese living in France and the United States: insights from a multi-sited election exit poll
Transnational journalism and Senegalese diaspora: at the heart of the 2012 presidential election
Les logiques spécifiques des militants du M23 en France : entre la volonté de défendre des valeurs et la quête d'atouts dans les carrières politiques et militantes
Expatriation et lien politique en contexte mondialisé : l'exemple franco-algérien
"Influence without votes": the transnational political practices of the Congolese diaspora and its impact on home and host country politics
Cape Verdean diaspora and elections in Cape Verde: perceptions of a voter and participating in the electoral process
Can CPLP migrants participate in the electoral processes of their countries of origin?
Free speech and moral authority on a Zambian FM radio
From religious imperative to political participation: Muslim charismatic leadership and political mobilisation in Senegal
Mine fields of leadership: authority and criticism among miners' unions and their members in Zambia
The unheard nationalist voice: newspapers, diaries, and the Church and the appeal for citizenship in colonial Katanga
Pedagogic rulers and insolent ruled: ordinary justifications of leadership and conceptions of civism in Uganda's talk radio
Selection, rejection, defection, election: debates over the appropriate behavior of candidates for election in Zambia
Culture and development: a paradigm explored
Envisioning culture, development and power in Africa
Transnational art worlds and diverging visions of choreographic development in west Africa
Dynamics of the culture and development international agenda in lusophone African countries
Cultural ambassadors with a cause: migrant musicians from lusophone Africa in Lisbon
In pursuit of national reconciliation and development: the cultural policies in Angola
"Positively enlightened": ways of thinking and acting on 'culture' and 'development'
A cultura di matchundadi e o projeto modernizador das instituições de desenvolvimento na Guiné-Bissau: mulheres, conflitos e poder
African food experts and the "developmentalist state" in colonial and postcolonial Senegal
Career ambitions and local expertise: understanding involvments in a development world
Collapsing models, shifting interventions, competing experts: the international government of Mali after March 2012
Experts or activists? AIDS specialists as "institutional activists" in the AIDS care policy making in Benin
Islands of efficiency: a sociology of donor-sponsored senior officials in Mozambican ministries
Malagasy elites in the international coproduction of decentralization reforms: autochthonous knowledge, struggles for division of labor, professional identities and ambitions
The expert government of disaster in Africa: disaster science between states and international organisations
Travelling experts and their technologies of the environment: exploring the conceptual innovation of South African scientists within a world heritage site, Eastern Cape Province
Does "Africa" mean the same for everybody?
African studies: torn between complexes?
Ideology and science in African studies
African studies and Berber studies: epistemological reflections on "two Africas"
On the referential illusion: the production of knowledge about Africa in the historical avatar of modernity
African studies in Japan: an example of a non-western view on Africa
"Restituer l'histoire aux sociétés Africaines": African revision of sociology
African studies and African contemporary art: aspects of a complex relationship
African studies and literature: alternative to the production of knowledge?
Migration in African studies: a journey from backstage to footlight
The first generation of intellectuals of Centro de Estudos Afro Orientais (Bahia/Brazil, 1959-1982)
Parades, parties and pests: the contradictions of peacekeepers' everyday lives
Negotiating the unintended impacts of peacekeeping economies in Africa: a comparative analysis of Liberia and Sierra Leone
A tale of two cities: the peacekeeping economy of Goma and Monrivia
South Sudan: the impact of peacekeeping in a weak, oil booming economy
Peacekeeping abroad, troublemaking at home: military mutinies following peacekeeping deployments in west Africa
Diverging expectations and perceptions of peacebuilding? Local owners and external actors' interactions in Guinea-Bissau's security sector reforms
Peacekeeping operations' influence on the livelihood of displaced populations
Large meets small in Mozambique: confrontation and cooperation
Contract farming and small-scale farmers in Zimbabwe: an empirical study of resettled and communal households
Challenges of partnerships and mentoring programmes in South African land reform projects
The subjective return on investment of small-scale pineapple farming in Ghana, and the role of standards, contracts and farmer-trader relations
Serious or not? Extent of the LRA threat in CAR and DRC, local responses, and priority in the political agenda
The Lord's Resistance Army in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic: diverging interest and actions
The LRA and DRC regional geopolitics
The informal/casual labour market in a Nigerian city: an analysis of gender and household
Feminization of the labour force as a response to neoliberal economic policies: a case study of the Nigerian informal sector
Coping with change: the dynamics of women's work in urban Mozambique
Engagement des femmes dans les associations féminines de microcrédit au Sénégal : entre recherche de ressources financières et développement de l'économie informelle
Being in charge: Muslim women's roles in Kankan (Guinea)
Housewife and trader? Changing relations between marital status and livelihood in an Ethiopian town
Struggling to survive for two generations: young female economic endeavours and perspectives on gender relations from the outskirts of Bissau
International aid and gendered roles in agricultural value chains: some reflections from a rural development program in northern Senegal
'It's not easy in Kenya by the way': global economy, local realities and gender dynamics
Gender issues in the suitcase trade: the case study of the "sacoleiras" in São-Paulo
The art of negotiation: gender, identity and female emancipation in transatlantic informal trade on Cape Verde
Open to the unpredictable: work, destiny and the quest for fortune in Muslim Gambia
'"Taramo, where winning is easy": making work and self in Namibia's fortunational capitalism
Diamond mining is a chain: contingency and work ethic in Sierra Leone's artisanal mining
"Game-stones": premises to the study of work and modes of production in a Tanzanian mine among young people
The price of power in Tanzania
Having to look for an income: coming back from Italy to Senegal
Diversification, comparative advantage and structural transformation: a new approach
A critical assessment of two models of regional integration in an increasingly globalising world: the case of SADC
Impediments to development and integration in the central Africa subregion: some reflections
The African Union and peace support operations
Enhancing development in Africa: what to do next? Insights from international cooperation in Mozambique
Comparative study of strategies employed by China and South Africa in developing traditional medicine for public health
Africa's quest for development and its challenges: a need for a better legal and regulatory frameworks for sustainable resource and investment governance
Migration and development nexus in Africa: opportunities and challenges for Africa's development within a multipolar world
Africa and the dilemma of fostering development through Western-oriented ideas in a multipolar world
Dilemmas and challenges for civil society in development and poverty reduction in Africa
A critical review of trends, policies and plans for scaling up renewable energy in Africa
Between hope and despair: exploring the dialectics of the African economic growth and development
The politics of confinement and mobility: informality and urban re-making from above and below
Participatory politics in South Africa: social commentary from above and resistance from below
Narrating the contested public sphere: Zapiro, Zuma and freedom of expression in South Africa
Et les garçons? Reflections on a Unicef program for girls post-primary education in Madagascar
Ideas and effects of UN land reform polity in rural Madagascar: the notion of customary land tenure in theory and practice
UN 'households' and local interpretations in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Uganda and Tanzania
Hybrid forms of UN governance on gender in post-conflict situations: the case of UNIFEM/UN Women in Burundi
Globalization and challenges to the political autonomy of the associative sector in Cape Verde
Political institutions and economic growth: can African and South American countries be compared?
Party system institutionalization in contemporary sub-Saharan Africa
The Socialist International and Africa: 21st century
A comparative perspective of three African federal systems: the cases of Nigeria, Ethiopia and the Union of the Comoros
A comparative analysis of legislative procedures and process in Nigeria, Brazil and the United States
African-Portuguese marriages and sexual unions in the early Spanish Caribbean
Towards a revision of "racial" thought in early Afro-Portuguese relationships: the case of the Senegambian Jewish communities and their connection with Amsterdam in the 17th century
Eurafrican Jews in Suriname: racialist thought and practice, 17th and 18th centuries
Categorizing people, databasing information: what documents from the era of Atlantic say about race and ethnicity and what quantitative historians have done with that information
The inconstancy of African
Slavery and "race" in Portugal
Navigating the road to emerging urban food markets: an analysis of women entrepreneurs of fresh fruit and vegetables in a spontaneous economy in Zimbabwe
The changing place of small and medium-sized towns in market connections in east Africa
To follow the cars in order to meet the people: the Beninese entrepreneurs in the Euro-African second-hand cars exportation business
Computer village: ethnography of a long-distance trade of computers and allied products
Independence through the lens: Ruy Duarte de Carvalho's documentaries and the building of national identity(s)
"Get some fresh air": colonial utopia in photographs of Mozambique (1929)
Concrete utopias: Mozambican housing schemes between cooperative colonialism and Afrosocialism
Afro-futures: Africa and the Black Arts Movement
(Re)discovering alternative utopias: Mozambique as "the pearl of the Indian Ocean"
Islands of images: revolutionary Zanzibar's visual aesthetic
Flipping over: violence and comedy in Angolan kuduro dance
Manifestos against the white cube
Falling radio towers and flying mausoleums: iconographies of revolution and utopia in the work of Ângela Ferreira and Kiluanji Kia Henda
Pan-African utopia: le monument de la renaissance africaine
The debate on press freedom in Mozambique and the "turning point" of the 1999-2000 period
Freedom of expression in contexts of 'democratic suspension': between dissimulation, denouncements and violation of the right to information in the production of Bissau Guinean newspapers
Media and the right to information in Angola
'Alternative' journalism and media democratisation in Nigeria: a critical examination
The Ivorian journalists: metadiscourses and professional identity
Journalists in the Republic of Benin: the example of radio producers
Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA): politics of press freedom in Zimbabwe and the fate of the private media
The written press and the coverage of conflicts between gangs in Cape Verde
The press and Mozambican identity through caricatures of Nhoca Jr. Son of Xico and Xiconhoca from 1975 to 2012
P085 Living in transnational families between Africa and Europe: the centrality of a gender approach
Children in Angolan transnational families and reproduction of gender patterns
Marriage and migration control: notes on undocumented migrants' conjugal ties in Italy and Portugal
Senegalese migrant women: complex trajectories between individual aspirations and social constraints from the community of origin
Gender and the experience of polygyny in transnational families between Senegal and Europe
Living in transnational families: impact on male and female caregivers in Ghana
"You are still doing this? Oh, this is past!" Life histories of women from a transnational Ghanaian family between Africa, Europe and Northern America
Journeys and generations in a diviner's bag
Foreign assignments and the role of accompanying spouses in Uganda
Women of Equatorial Guinean: transnational migrants Africa-Europe-Africa
Germany's foreign policy to the South Atlantic in the current international situation
Aid harmonization: European and Arab ODA in Africa
A Cooperação portuguesa na África lusófona e a União Europeia
What future for ACP-EU cooperation after 2020? Views and ideas from six African states
EU and Africa: prospects for co-operation against the background of the growing influence of BRIC countries on the continent
Africa- EU relations: rethinking Africa's development beyond multilateral dependency
Easier said than done? Overcoming obstacles to political dialogue between the EU and Africa
Aid and beyond: Europe and Africa in the face of new actors
Why development aid is not a sound basis for political dialogue
EASBRIG/EASF of the African standby force: shortcomings and prospects for the future
The future of the African standby force
East African institutions: five clusters of risks
The African Standby Force regarding the nature of instability in Africa
Collaboration and the "gay international" in emerging African scholarship on same-sex sexualities and gender variance
Through the looking glass: the challenge of making Africa intelligible
Challenges to democracy: looking with a South African gaze on democracy in Switzerland and a Swiss gaze on democracy in South Africa
Taxation and state capacity in post-conflict Angola and Mozambique
Conflict resolution by institutional design: state formation in Namibia - public service and decentralisation
The transformation of the electoral systems: electoral reform under the democratic transition in South Africa
Re-establishing public authority in war-torn rural Angola: the case of Caluquembe, Huíla province
Traditional authorities and institutional pluralism: a comparative perspective on southern Africa
Deliberating "democracy" in Mozambique
Oukwanyama traditional leadership: some reflections on the interactions between governmental and traditional institutions in Namibia
Beyond administrative chieftaincy: institutional transformations of neotraditional rule in Namibia and KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Memory, migration and diasporic practices in emancipated slave communities in French Sudan and Senegal, c. 1880-1940
Migration networks and narratives in West Africa: a case study from the Zongo
The memory "villager" about migrant-soldiers from early the 20th century at camp Thiraoye in Senegal
Narrating São Tomé: Cape Verdean memories of contract labour in the Portuguese empire
Seasons of travel and change: early international migrants of the Gambia River
"One never tires of looking back with sentimental yearning for the good old days of Zanzibar": diaspora memories of the Zanzibari revolution
Forced migrations and engendering… gendered memories on the way: the Somali Zigula back to Tanzania
Long journeys: African migrants on the road
Memory of home and identity: the case of former South African migrants and refugees in Botswana
Ethnographic explorations of abjection in a west African wasteland
Linking memories of the past with aspirations for the future: narrative and social action in Ugandan refugee settlements
Community perspectives on the impacts of oil and gas activities on fisheries livelihoods in the Western Province of Ghana: Who is listening? And who will act?
Ultradeep oil rigs and the infralogics of risk: a view from Ghana's western Gulf of Guinea
The urgency of oil: getting ahead in the Ghanaian downstream petroleum industry
Oil enclaves, resource curse and production-sharing agreements
What's oil got to do with it? Public culture, political effects and the rentier state in Gabon
Security apparatus and spatial/temporal mobility in the Chadian oil zones
"Oil passes through the people's hands": materiality, territoriality and ownership in the negotiation of oil in Niger
Policies and practices of corporate social responsibility in Angola: consequences for development and public health
Enjeux de l'exploitation pétrolière : étude de cas à N'gourti (Niger)
Technologies of oil and social transformation in Chad
Dynamiques locales et stratégies des acteurs autour de la rente pétrolière à N'Gourti (Nord-est du Niger)
Transformation de la gouvernance minière au Niger : l'exemple du pétrole
The politics of contestation: multitude against empire?
From the streets to the ballot box: the youth in the struggles for political change in Senegal (2011-2012)
The 'bread riots' in Mozambique: the Frelimo government in the face of contestation
Passive revolution or stabilising class? The evolving political economy of Joyce Banda's Malawi
Has the Arab Spring crossed borders? An assessment of political contestation in two African power-sharing regimes
The role of the new online social media and the Arab Spring: what is actually inside the puzzle?
Nigerian trade unions navigating in the political economy of oil: a case study of the 2012 fuel subsidy strike
Beyond stabilisation in the Great Lakes region: towards conflict transformation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
"They fight for us": discourses of conflict and the M23 rebellion among Congolese refugees in Rwanda
From darling to pariah: the international community's destabilization of an already 'delicate' elite bargain in Rwanda
State-like rebels and rebellious states: the RPF and the FDLR in the Great Lakes (in)security complex
Understanding the ideology and organizational culture of the Rwandan military: the case of salary management in the Rwandan army
Road accidents related to intercity transport on the island of Santiago (Cape Verde)
Social dimensions of public transport in an island: identity, mobility and politics in the "hiace" station of Sucupira (Santiago, Cape Verde)
The road to salvation: from Dire Dawa to Harar
Rapid transformation of the built environment and its adverse impact on pedestrian movement
A perforated water skin: safety on paved highways in Sudan
Living with danger along the Forty Days Road
L'autre écoute of road danger in Africa: the occult as public health's other
Road accidents in Zimbabwe: the case of Chinhamo service centre
A view at the birdseye nest: African road safety policies at the UNRSC forum
Citizenship behaviour, organizational integrity, and the practice of 'discretion' among members of a Nigerian paramilitary organization
Understanding climate adaptation and transformation challenges in African cities
Impact of planning legislation on settlement form: comparisons from Tanzania and South Africa
These are my people: evidence from Lagos on the determinants of informal price discrimination
Urbanization and developing sustainable cities: Abuja as a case study
The cost of peace: assessing the domestic impacts of Nigeria`s military deployments to ECOMOG operations
Regional integration/regional security: ECOWAS early warning system
Building peace through military spending: does democracy matter?
The military in peace support operations in Nigeria
Contradictions and prolongation of peacekeeping operations: a critique of ECOMOG intervention in west Africa
Extra-territorial and collective security in west Africa: a critical review of the ECOWAS conflict prevention framework (ECPF)
What happened to the ECOWAS dream? Politics, security and economics… and the least of the three is economics
Ten years of regional security cooperation in the Central African Republic - and still no stabilization in sight?
Producing contentious local politics in Evaton, 1940-1955
Becoming a citizen in Luanda and Cape Town
The historical roots of political practices and discourses in the Vaal Triangle, South Africa
Go backward before moving forward: the forgotten values of Cidade Velha in Cape Verde
The art of the Rabelados and the limits of crioulidade: cultural wars in the Republic of Cape Verde
The becoming of the origins of voodoo through the actual memories of the slave trade past in southern Benin
O projeto Aluka e seu impacto na preservação de arquivos na Africa Austral: o caso de Moçambique
The revitalization of pottery in Trás di Munti: making and meaning of heritage and cultural values
The island of Mozambique between the present and the past: a cultural challenge
Patrimonio cultural y cooperación al desarrollo: políticas España-África
Al Azhar, scène de l'imaginaire religieux pour les étudiants Sénégalais
Studying in the Islamic universities across the Arab world: an opportunity or an obstacle for west African students?
Religion, dreams and mobility: pilgrimage as a form of cross-border movement in post-colonial Africa
The lines that hurt: policy discourse on a pan-African framework on the free movement of persons
You can't get rid of your state: transnational ties between the Eritrean state and its diaspora
Nomadic lifestyles between Europe and western Africa
Cape Verdean migrations in different spaces and movement in São Tomé e Príncipe
Repatriation from Tanzania to Burundi: neglecting structural factors
A socio-economic characterization of returnee households in the Nuba mountains
Angola at last: from rural refugees to urban returnees
Negotiating chieftaincy after flight and return: the (re-)positioning of returnee-chiefs in post-conflict Angola
Governance, economic performance and popular welfare in Africa: is the link clear?
Political participation and democratization in Zambia: do poverty levels affect voters' perspectives?
"Promoting sustainable pro-poor growth": the policy of poverty reduction in multi-party Malawi
The poverty of democracy in Tanzania
Democratization, inequality and civil society in Mozambique
Archiving the African revolution: Kwame Nkrumah and the women in question
"The things they used to sing about changed peoples' lives!": considering highlife music as a repository for Ghana's recent past
Absences and silences in the institutional archive: the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation and the Volta River Authority
The development of a novel category of monument, termed the inadvertent monument, as evidenced in selected apartheid buildings in previous South African apartheid native reserves
Ancestor archives
Making and unmaking of archives in Timbuktu, Mali
Zaire 74 as pan-African festival: Reflections on an archive
Constructing and reconstructing archives beyond the courtroom
Cultural and historical memorials as promoters of development: the example of Guiledje and Cacheu Memorials in Guiné-Bissau
What can we learn from 20th century political thought in Africa?
Moral economies of neoliberalism in Africa: the case of economic fraud
Being a 'burgher': the moral economy of migration and achievement in Ghana
Elite Voluntary Associations and the Making of Private Narratives of Respectability in Contemporary Kenya
The trouble that lurks beneath: globalization, African informal labour and the employment illusion
An export or an import? the Transnationalisation of labor practices in Kenya's business processing outsourcing sector
Capital's 'great leap downward': remaking Africa's informal economies at the bottom of the pyramid
Resilient labour: paternalism, difference and informality in a Swazi company town
The roots of impermanence: settlement, transience and farm labour on the Zimbabwean-South African border
Do transnational links matter? Labour participation among Ghanaian return migrants
The re-emergency of African contemporary arts
Wiriko: a website that specializes in African arts and cultures
Contemporary art in Mozambique: reshaping artistic national canons
Transnational collaborations in Kenyan rap music as strategies of cultural entrepreneurs
The globalisation of Swahiliwood: new chances or neo-colonial setbacks?
Nigerian videos in the global arena: the postcolonial exotic revisited
What is left when observers go? The European Union and Ethiopia
International actors and the crisis in Zimbabwe
Sanctions against non-democratic regimes in sub-Saharan Africa: is regional pressure more effective?
The Eritrean diaspora: saviour or grave-digger of the regime? Diaspora responses to the imposition of UN sanctions in 2009
"Rural development" and African land tenure in late colonial Mozambique
Between rocks, rivers and reordenamento: agrarian transformations and strategies of rural development in Malanje, Angola, 1950-2012
Agriculture: the impact of new ideas and practices in Portuguese colonial policy (1946-1973)
Kindred social networks among migrant Malawian women in urban Harare, Zimbabwe
The role of women as agents of change, is connected to your well-being, but not only, which makes it important to distinguish between the activities of women in the promotion of wellness and power
A socio-economy of Cape Verdeans' mutual-help circulation on the Lisbon periphery
Trust and development: rotating savings and credit associations in Rwanda
In the absence of states: traditional and non-traditional organizations among Eritrean refugees in Israel
Electric urbanism: practices of prepaid electricity in Maputo, Mozambique
Acquisition, construction and transformation of home spaces in Maputo: challenges and creative solutions
Coconut palms, cookies and car tyres: dwelling transformations and building resources in Ilha de Moçambique
"City doubles": re-urbanism in Africa
The transformation of housing production practices and gender relations in Pikine, Senegal: innovative economic and building strategies
Demystifying business: "Somali" shopping complexes in Kenyan cities and the reconfiguration of space
Borders show business: performing states at the margin
Ceremonial politics and border production in French west Africa, 1945-46
Cross-border Trade and the Practical Norms of Taxation along the South Sudan - Uganda Border
Who welcomes whom? Staging the politics of celebration on the Namibia-Zambia border
Neglected tropical diseases come out from the shadows of global health
Progress towards elimination of schistosomiasis
Global health's new 'geographies of responsibility': spatial and temporal domaining in virtual drug development
African trypanosomiasis and the history of development
Over a 100 years combating sleeping sickness in Angola
An analysis of the social networks involved in African trypanosomiasis research
Cutting edge or cutting hedge? African trypanosomiasis and low-tech disease control
La cohabitation avec un parent age au Cameroun : un choix delibere, assume, ou strategique?
Old age and inequalities in Egypt: the role of intergenerational relationships and transfers within the family
Inequalities and social problems in old age in Morocco: intergenerational relationships facing the lack of social security
Inequalities in old age in Uganda
Aging and surviving: elderly women living with illness in rural areas of Senegal
Educational and training institutions created in Africa by the Gulf countries
Reformist Islam and the madrassa: engagement and contestation in a rural Senegalese village
Turkish schools in Africa within the framework of Turkey's relations with the continent
When schooling becomes education: youth aspirations and "deskilling" in Ethiopia
Education vs schooling within livelihood constraints in Mozambican coastal societies
The realities of a perspective from the global south: the case of the Centre for Migration Studies, Ghana
Good Death (Boa Morte)
Making tracks: continuous recreation of Africa through capoeira
As bonecas negras afro-brasileiras: uma etnografia do feminino
Religião Afrobrasileira Candomblé e políticas públicas de saúde no Brasil: desafios de integralidades
Memórias do patrimônio Afro religioso na Bahia, Brasil
Análise étnico-racial dos crime de morte no Estado da Bahia, Brasil: intolerância, preconceito e homofobia
10 anos do Grupo de Trabalho de Combate ao Racismo do Ministério Público de Pernambuco, Brasil: análises de atenções e perspectivas de combate ao racismo
Batuque, a religion of African origin in the extreme south of Brazil: ritual and worldview
Orixás on-line: sobre o uso e abuso das novas tecnologias de comunicação pelos adeptos do candomblé
Teachings diasporic: ten years of education for ethnic and racial relations in Brazil
Cidadania "na ponta": participação negra nos carnavais cariocas da Primeira República
Yellow for the beautiful Oxum godess: aesthetics in Portuguese conversion to the Afro-Brazilian religions
Persuasion and state legitimacy: could secession be the answer?
To be recognized or not to be recognized: a critical assessment of the case of the secessionist Republic of Somaliland
When the guerrillas took power: secessionist trajectories in the Horn of Africa
The quest for an independent Oromo State: probing its merits and demerits
'Fixing' the colonial heritage: the OAU's principle of territorial integrity
Collective power politics and secessionism in Africa: perspectives from Southern Sudan, Ivory Coast and the Casamance
Urban expansion and place-making in Kinshasa (D.R.Congo)
Place where people get finished
The time of Sakalava place
'This city belongs to spirits': experiencing, contesting and reshaping urban space through spirit possession in northern Mozambique
Memory sits in places, or the underneath of masks: sacred places, healing shrines and cultural memory in a forgotten corner of Dogon plateau
Ndjili/Kinshasa: spirit of place, Pentecostal spirit and spiritual warfare
'Foyers' but not homes: practices of urban space and logics of place in African migrants' hostels in Paris
Places as fields of communication
Speculative spaces: being in permanent transit in Maputo, Mozambique
Hauntings: possessing bodies, reclaiming spaces in Niger
Getting away from being "local": how Pentecostal young women experience place and imagine futures in a Nigerian city
Around the world: prophecy and cosmogenesis among Balanta of Guinea-Bissau
Dismantling a pastoral commons: tenure conflicts under conditions of rapid land-use change in East Pokot, Kenya
Fields of contestation and negotiation: local people's response to state conservation programs in southern Ethiopia
Small land conflicts: urbanization and new economic opportunities
Geographies of power: land, displacement and 'glocal' urban contestation in Accra, Ghana
Transitions, generations and gender: young descendants from PALOP
Intergenerational relationships in adult training (EFA) courses: the impact of EFA certification on Lusophone immigrants and their descendants
Migratory effects on the health status of African migrants living in Portugal
Young French of west African descent: reflections on the "heritage of migration". Associative debates about "taking the helm" of the parents in the country of origin
Deux generation entre l'Afrique et la France
Marriage patterns and family models across generations: discourses and practices of women of Moroccan origin living in Italy
"Sometimes I feel like a motherless child": the law and the (m)other love of Nigerian women in Italy today
The unintended consequences of government intervention on intergenerational relationship within South Sudanese Australian families
Intergenerational relations and Senegalese migration in Spain: the importance of the Senegalese daughter-in-law as carer
Creating social configurations of environmental stability: migrant families in northern Benin
What can be learnt from the performance of migrant entrepreneurs? The case of Indian migrant enterprises in the informal economy of Uganda
Chinese entrepreneurs in Angola: the role of state-to-state cooperation
Exporting firms in disguise: the case of the Chinese special economic zone in Mauritius
The influence of the China-Nigeria bilateral relationship on FDI determinants of resources seeking Chinese MNEs in Nigeria
The role of Chinese migrants in reproducing and altering employment and business opportunities in Lesotho
'Mutual action for the good of all': gender, race and voluntary work in late colonial Kenya
The historiography of whiteness studies in Zimbabwe, 1980-2012
(De)classing whiteness in transformation South Africa
White spots: South African capital and racialized enclaves in Tanzania
'You are white because you are rich': whiteness and ideologies of race in modern Ghana
"The last specimens of the white man in Africa": racialisation, nostalgia and self-exoticization amongst European expats in the Congolese rainforest
Land, wildlife, and belonging: the life and death of sentimentalism among contemporary white Kenyans
Shameful masculinities: young Afrikaner men after Apartheid
Poor Afrikaners and the new subculture of poverty in contemporary South Africa
Whiteness and the language politics of Afrikaans in higher education transformation at Stellenbosch University
The most intractable whites in South Africa? Ethnography of a 'Boere-Afrikaner' settlement
The union government debate, 2005-2010: regional integration and self-representations of Africa
Gazing the "other": the construction of "Moorish" identity in colonial and pre-colonial Mauritania
Aesthetics of the other
De-essentialising otherness through a geopolitics of knowledge: the appropriation of Indian subaltern studies by African historiography
Representations of Africa in Brazil: the case of Esmeralda Ribeiro's 'Guarde Segredo'
The idea of Africa in Brazilian culture and society: decolonizing knowledge and the educational politics of recognition
Building different Africas: Brazilian capoeira masters in diaspora and native groups narratives in debate
Agir en tant que femmes dans une société pionnière : Freetown, Sierra Leone
Des luttes connectées? Les Africaines dans les organisations féminines internationales dans les années 1950, entre enjeux locaux et mots d'ordre internationaux
The role of South Sudanese women in international peace-building efforts
The everyday lives of transnational feminists: Maasai activists, feminist politics, personal pathways
Les femmes et le genre en Afrique au sud du Sahara: évolution récente
Health, governmentality and authority in Subsaharian Africa
Gender and therapeutic pluralism: women's access to the private health sector in Africa
Gender and health strategies for development undertaken by national governments and multilateral actors in the context of African countries where Portuguese is the official language (PALOP)
The room between state, international agencies and NGOs: the "invisible" social actors in the healthcare arenas
Does health care funding from external sources depend on poor health conditions?
Senegal's health data retention strike: performing global citizenship
Evaluation of a public-private health partnership in Benin: an ethnographic case study
New synergies of care in the equatorial forest
Primary health care: the role of NGOs in Guinea-Bissau
Perception about HIV/AIDS treatment programs' effectiveness: between models and practices in the context of multiple actors in Mozambique
Self-sufficiency and aid depedency in the fight against HIV/AIDS: the role of the private sector in Ivory Coast
Governmentality and practices of subjectivation in Ethiopia: public health, developmental state and community participation
A new paradigm for patient safety in Africa: a case study of the rights-based approach in communities by the People's Health Movement in Uganda
Land struggles in Tanzania: dispossession through formalization?
Civil resistance to land acquisitions in Sierra Leone
"We have been here before the state": the case of the Nubian anti-dam resistance
'Our land is not for sale': community land rights and resistance to a large-scale agricultural (oil palm) concession in Liberia
Protests and interfaces: opposing large-scale land acquisitions in Madagascar
'We are all impaled on the master plan': the paradoxes of visionary urbanism in Rwanda
The 'Gestalt' of Mombasa and Accra: modes of conceptualising and perceiving the city as a meaningful whole
Images of cities in contemporary African fictional and street narratives
To embrace or to contest? The ambiguity of artistic practices in Johannesburg's urban regeneration
The transformation of urban space in Bamako
Station struggles: planners' imaginaries, dwellers' practices, and the quest for urban spatial production in a travel hub in Accra, Ghana
The impacts of urban politics on female street vendors in Praia, Cape Verde
Contesting the entrepreneurial turn in central Cape Town? The fate of street trade under neoliberalisation
Ambitions and appropriations: state housing and peoples' practices in Johannesburg
Psychogeography of the right angle: state and residents' visions of the temporary relocation area in Cape Town
"They use the yellow machines for deconstruction, not for construction": contested imaginaries of post-conflict Monrovia
Discourses on "Pikinité" and "global citizenship" among male youth on the outskirts of Dakar
The Bijagós archipelago: a last paradise or a hot spot of globalization?
Securing maritime borders, livelihoods or natural resources? Exploring the cross-border mobility of the Senegalese migrant-fishermen in the Atlantic
The new zones of circulation: on the production and securitisation of maritime frontiers in west Africa
The South Atlantic in the southern African and South American context of security and defense
The Horn of Africa's maritime domain challenges: mitigating the effects of piracy
A pillar of stability or a source of regional troubles: Ethiopia's role in the conflicts of the Horn of Africa
Geo-strategic intervention and its consequentces in the Horn of Africa
The way security cultures can shape security complexes: a case study of the Horn of Africa
The Oromo in Ethiopian historiography
The conflict between the Ethiopian state and the Oromo people
Oromo refugees and their impact
The Somali Islam: regional interactions and historical trends
When the outside is inside: international features of the Somali "civil" war
Ethiopia: the island of stability in the Horn of Africa or merely the least dysfunctional state of the region?
Belgian tourists and development cooperation: portrait and stakes of human-sized partnerships in Senegal
The invention of a tourist destination: Gabon masks photographs
Being an African tourist in Africa
Red zone against blue men: tourism in French-Malian diplomatic relations
Tourism as interaction of landscapes: opportunities and obstacles on the way to sustainable tourism development in Lamu Island, Kenya
Unsustainable tourism practices and socio-economic degradation in Zanzibar
Competition between native and migrant workers in the tourism industry in Zanzibar
How to strengthen the capacity of the African Union? A comparative analysis between the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) and the African Peace Facility (APF)
Discourse on regional economic integration in Africa: towards a theory of Panafrican authentic development
SACU: From hegemony to consensus?
Sensual city: urbanism, colonialism and bodily intervention in Luanda (1945-1975)
Spaces of sex and leisure: transactional sex and female mobility in urban Senegal
Men, poverty and masculinities in Kenyan slums
Sex and the colonial city: a comparative analysis of early colonial Goree and late colonial Libreville
The city's silent double: public cemeteries in Angola from the Enlightenment to the Scramble
The "places where you get syphilis-kisses with champagne": leisure, moralization and "progress" in Lourenço Marques (1890-1910)
Cape Town's slave heritage spaces
Building the "black" city: approaches developed by Portuguese architects in colonial Africa
Fostering ties between ecocriticism and urban political ecology in Africa
Township space, revolution and neoliberalization in Gugulethu, South Africa
The production of the mall: comparing urban practices in two African malls (Maputo and Johannesburg)
Giving one's voice a chance to be heard: conclusions on social media and their role in postcolonial field research
Reconfigured social relations: sharing research findings on Facebook
Réseaux sociaux et communication en temps de crises : cas de Facebook dans la crise malienne
The use of social media in Africanist research
From west Africa to Mecca: colonial attitudes toward the hajj compared
Sub-Saharan early migrations as a means of African peoples' initiative against colonial oppression
International relations and Ethiopian history: an encounter
Uprisings in north Africa (Dec 2010 - Dec 2012): local and global dynamisms / Les révoltes en Afrique du Nord (décembre 2010 - décembre 2012): dynamismes locaux et globaux
Understanding diversity in sub-Saharan African private fertility clinics: the issue of (prolonged) bed rest after embryo transfer
"A life of its own": exploring the popularity of emergency contraceptive pill use in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Therapeutic technologies to address the secular decline in child nutritional levels in Zimbabwe
Connections and creativity: young people's use of mobile phones for health seeking in Africa
A critical view of European African studies in the past: the Colonial School in Lisbon (1906-1974)
German African studies in Europe: 1933 - 1973 - 2013
African studies in the other Europe: a legitimate perspective on Africa
Philosophy in Africa as a challenge for social sciences in Europe
Maputo's peri-central self-produced areas in the new millennium: between urban renewal and upgrading
New housing interventions in the new millennium: the case of Maputo
'Governmentality' and resistance in (sub)urban Luanda
Ageing persons in ageing suburbs
Intervention paradigm for changing African suburbs in a multipolarised world: experience from Lagos Megacity, Nigeria
The periphery in planning: urban aspirations and the right to urban life in the government of suburbs in Mozambique, 1945-2010
The role of housing self-organization processes for the urban transformation of Maputo
House 4all: a sensitive approach informed by new digital tools
The dynamics of the popular
Twitter and Africa's 'war on terror': news framing and convergence in Kenya's military operation in Somalia
Social media and political struggles in Burkina Faso: an inventory of fixtures
The migration and reproductive health nexus: a study of female porters in Accra, Ghana
The emergence of new inequalities: access to maternal and child healthcare in the Nigerian context
Maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: the expression of strong health inequalities in women’s reproductive path. The example of Senegal.
An innovative community care approach for pregnant women and children in malaria endemic remote areas in Cambodia
Health inequalities and reproductive migrations for the access to Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Sub Saharan Africa - France)
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission in Angola: missing the goals for 2015?
HIV screening without consent? The care of labouring women in the north and far north regions of Cameroon
Do representations matter?
From researching migration to researching the city: representation(s), the senses, and the making of (ethnographic) places in Johannesburg, South Africa
This is how we roll: representations of masculinity in the black urban imaginary
Prophetic memory: Santu Mofokeng, Willem Boshoff, Albert Munyai
Intentional photographers, innovative subjects: using photography to explore social and political identities in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Coalescing media and self-representation: towards a pluralist approach to the photographic representation of refugees
Meu sonho, minha casa: Angolan residential development in comparative perspective
Risks of reconstruction: Chinese entrepreneurs, criminality, and the politics of security in Angola
The role of Portuguese enterprises and workers in the reconstruction process of Angola
The ambivalent character of reconstruction: losers and winners of the Lobito Transport Corridor Development
Oil for the elite, diamonds for the people: extractive industries in post-war Angola
Good practices in education
Schools as community development spaces: a study based on the experience of São Tomé e Príncipe
Reformas educativas na República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe: complementaridade entre estado e sociedade civil
Quality versus quantity in Ethiopia university education: an expatriate lecturer's personal struggle with teaching at Addis Ababa University
Ethiopian oral traditions: reservoirs for a shift in philosophy of learning?
O reflexo das mudanças, condicionadas, nas reformas do sistema educativo em Moçambique
Geography teaching in secondary education in Mozambique
Racial dimensions of qualitative and quantitative educational policies in post-Apartheid South African society
Caught between MDG target fever and the reality of resource constraints: the current struggles of the Sierra Leone Teachers Union to improve education quality in the long term
Teaching in Burkina Faso: a labyrinth of constraints without a common mission
Portuguese programs and textbooks in Cape Verde: compromise between quality and quantity(?)
Between the global and the local: discussing a methodological proposal to evaluate an educational aid program in Guinea-Bissau
A complementaridade entre a população local e a sua diáspora para melhorar o nível escolar da sua gente:o exemplo da comunidade de Tame, no Sector de Canchungo
Overcoming donor proliferation and aid fragmentation: experiences of Mozambique
Official development assistance in Portuguese-speaking African countries
A comparative study of social protection in Mexico and Kenya: the case of conditional cash transfers
Networks of power or networks of change? Rural producers' organizations in central Mozambique
Cunning dragon or comrade in solidarity: Chinese commercial engagement and African path of corruption
The Kingdom of Kongo and the thirty years' war
Fugitive modernities: Kisama, Angola, and intellectual history of politics outside of the state in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Labor recruitment in northern Angola and the collapse of a moral order, 1910-1913
Queen Njinga, memory and nation in post-independence Angola
The making a national hero in Tanzania: the case of Julius Nyerere
Who are revolutionary heroes in post-1991 Ethiopia?
"We are all Rwandans": resisters to genocide as collective national hero
Legacies of the past: how liberation heroes and their rhetoric influence politics in southern Africa
How to become a hero? An example of the Griot-hero relation from a literary perspective
Sports: the making of modern African heroes
La correspondance administrative du Grand Maître de la confrérie saharienne Sanusiyya : l'exemple de 7 lettres (1898-1901)
How non-narrative are administrative documents? Reflections on a nineteenth-century family archive from west Africa
Nūḥ b. al-Ṭāhir's Risāla fī ẓuhūr al-khaliīfa al-thānī 'ashar: construction of legitimization in the Masina Caliphate (1818-62)
"Traditional" medieval diplomatics and non-European documentation: chances for a dialogue
Medieval Nubia: documentary evidence and the production of power
Reconstruire un certificat de décès d'Egypte ayyubide
"We rode the boundaries of the land": reflections on the changing control over land and the uses of land documents in Dar Fur sultanate (Sudan), 1785-1875
Is the "diplomatic formulary" relevant to understand Ethiopian medieval and modern charters?
50 shades of grey histories: exploring or collecting? Henry M. Stanley and his peers collecting in Africa, and nowadays art markets
Otobi in LA, DC and Paris: the jigsaw puzzle of borderless capital
The creation of history and value: a collection from western Cameroon
Theoretical and empirical 'communicating-vessels' systems from liminal and illegal networks: a comparative perspective between farmers-diggers in Mali and Senegalese street vendors in Rome
Torn between local and global? How multinationals respond to CSR issues in Cameroon
Investment in Africa: divergent realities
Social responsibility of multinationals in sub-Saharan Africa: facts and controversies. Case of AREVA in Niger
Social responsibility of oil companies and the cooperation board in Mozambique
The social benefits of oil industry activities in Angola
Corporate social responsibility and Chinese oil multinationals in the oil and gas industry of Nigeria: a reappraisal
A hip-hopera in Cape Town: performance, aesthetics and the everyday of re-proclaiming Afrikaans
Popular pastiches: 'crazy' white men as performers of African popular music
Dancing to the rhythm of Leopoldville: nostalgia, urban critique and intergenerational differences in Kinshasa's TV music shows
African actors as anthropologists of globalization: performing art as a means of exploring differences
Performing and resisting the state: the case of the televised 'music' gala in Zimbabwe
Musical heritage and the aesthetics of resonance in Mali
Aesthetic formations of superdiversity: Somali performances of Muslim-ness in Bellville, Cape Town
Flowers, household aesthetics and the politics of peaceful difference in Mozambique
The production of Matonge (Brussels) as a 'black' neighbourhood: performances and mediations
Angolan philosophy or philosophy in Angola
O marxismo e a construção da ideia da Guiné
Mandela and Socrates
The British indirect rule system and labour: the Gold Coast from 1930-1950
"The more things change, the more they stay the same": the turbulent end of forced labour in Senegal (1946-1961)
Facing "dangerous internationalisms": the question of native labour in the Portuguese empire, 1924-1962
Le mouvement Tabligh et la politique: etude du cas mauritanien
Challeging Islamic orthodoxy, fighting inequality: Islamic discourse and practice among the haratin activits in Mauritania
"Official" Islam and its discontents (Mauritania, 2001-2012)
'Yellowcarding' the government and 'youtubing' the protest: new communication strategies from Ethiopian Muslims engaged in the anti-Ahbash showdown since 2012
Conference, media and the internet for the sake of Allah: Muslim elites in sub-Saharan Africa in the information age
Islamic preaching in the diaspora: the Dakar sermons of Lebanese Shaykh al-Zayn
Contesting Hamawiyya radicalism in French colonial literature: the peaceful reform of Boubacar Sawadogo of Upper Volta (Burkina Faso since 1984)
Moralizing the state through the education of pious citizens: the political project of Bamako's arabisants
The zawiya and zikr as a counter discourse? Sudan and religious identity in times of change
Deconstructing Al-Shabaab: Farah's critique of Islamic militancy
The prospects of Islamism in Kenya as Epitomized by Sheikh Aboud Rogo's Sermons
Islamic neo-fundamentalism in post-Mubarak Egypt: the case of political Salafism
Youth entrepreneurship in the mobile telephony sector and transition to adulthood in Accra, Ghana
The mobile phone "ecosystem" in Africa
Do ICT-enabled networks equally benefit men and women?
Financial alternatives and social networks: the usage of mobile money among Somalis in Kenya
Mobile phones, internet and women's expressions of Islam in Zanzibar
Africa's youth calling: mobile phones, networks and (gendered) young lives
ICTs innovating state and citizenship: the case of the Republic of Cape Verde
Online forums: how the voices of readers are reshaping the sphere of public debate in Burkina Faso
Cyber-baraza in Zanzibar: an alternative forum for negotiating identities and politics
Migration-driven network expansion via ICTs: Understanding ICTs effect on family dynamics in Kebemer, Senegal
The Atlantic slave trade and the religious productions in the south Atlantic
"Abáni fugurá" / "My father was a scholar": autobiographical accounts of Ali Eisami Gazir
The freed slave behind the statesman: the writing strategies of General Husayn (1820s-1887)
Mapping who you are: the use of geographical references in slave narrative in central Sudan in the 19th century
Communicating war: the Mali conflict in a changing communication landscape
Media, innovation and political conflict in Somalia
To rebel or to march for freedom? Explaining the use of violent or non-violent protest strategies of self-determination movements by reference to framing
Media and afflictive identity in post-conflict Uganda
The moral economy of social media in eastern and southern Africa: a comparative analysis
Arab revolutions and Spanish women journalists: a feminized communication pattern of the conflicts in Tunisia and Libya?
The AU, protection and Libya
Regionalisation of security policy: cooperation between the United Nations the African Union
Mediation and the AU policy on unconstitutional change of government: the Madagascar case
Presidential term limits as a policy area to bridge between the African Union's security and governance norms
Rather turbulence than wave: the development of continental norms on democratic governance
Rebuilding society after the war in northern Uganda: creative contributions by Acholi youth
Crime and community policing in northwest Tanzania: innovative youth strategies
The structuring effect of violence on the mobilisation and organisation of "rural youth" in post-war South Sudan
Youth employment insecurity in Lusaka
Two youth groups in the context of a small Guinean border town: the motorbike taxi union and the scouts
Street trade and friendship in Moshi, Tanzania
Conakry's 'ghetto youth' and Kampala's youth brigades: a comparative approach to urban youth protests
How an innovative student association can emerge in a context of constraint? The case of Addec, the Cameroon Students' Rights Association
Do you want another rap? Transformations between music and politics in the Ugandan 2011 election campaigns
Music production and entrepreneurship among urban black youth in South Africa
Youth, HIV/AIDS, and media advocacy in South Africa: the 'Steps for the Future' film project
States as friends? The case of India and South Africa
India in Africa
India's capacity buiiding diplomacy in Africa
Preparing for TICAD V: Japan's re-intensified Africa policy in light of China's growing involvement in Africa
Asian investments and emergent corporate social responsibility practices in Africa: geo-institutional dimensions and implications
'The sun rises from the east': rethinking opportunities and challenges in Zimbabwe's Look East policy in the global crisis phase
The role of South Korean aid actors in Rwanda: helping to implement an 'East Asian' development model?
The African way: Sino-African relations beyond the state
China's agricultural investment in Africa
Deconstructing the BRICS: Brazil and China in Mozambique's agriculture
Hawala: the informal financial assets transfer system as a tool for financing terrorism in Somalia
South African investment funds' role in the agricultural sector
Regulating credit: tackling the redistributiveness of neoliberalism in South Africa
Why do microcredit interventions have limited impact on poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa?
The expansion of microfinance in Cameroon: a view from the margins of the 'financial services frontier'
Mesure et analyse des performances productives des banques dans la zone UEMOA
Power in the interface between the written and the oral: the Church of Alice Lenshina in colonial Zambia
The changing role of Islamic Swahili newspapers in Tanzania: from 'sheikh' to 'activist'
'Technologies of speaking' and writing: new gendered Christian roles among Moro women in Sudan
Social media and social networks among Muslim organisations in disseminating Islamic messages: a study of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, MSSN, Lagos chapter, Nigeria
New religious movements in colonial Ghana: Wade Harris' "passage" in Gold Coast (1914)
Mademonio and angels: the spirit world according to Zion churches in Maputo and Matola, southern Mozambique
Baye-Faal in Senegal, Baye-Faal in Lavapiés, Baye-Faal in the Albayzín caves: diasporic transnationalism of a Sufi heterodoxy
On the mobile with the sacred horns: religious practices among Guineans in Lisbon
Citizenship construction and the afterlife: funeral rituals among Orisha devotees in Trinidad
West African Muslim healers in the Netherlands
Dancing with the African's gods: the recreation of Africa in Candomblé in Germany
Cannabis in Africa: opportunities, threats and global policy reform
Congo's green gold? The role of marijuana in eastern DRC's enduring warscape
Guinea-Bissau: Africa's first narco-state?
What can international collaboration with African drug control achieve: enhanced stability or accelerated criminalisation of the state?
Made in the Shade: Policing the Heroin Trade in Kenya
"The war on drugs" in Sierra Leone: securing what?
Negotiating translocal responses to drug trafficking in Tanzania
Offre scolaire et inégalités dans l'enseignement secondaire au Senegal : dynamiques insitutionnelles et stratégies familiales
Ward secondary schools in Tanzania: the renegotiation of a national educational settlement
Les inégalités dans l'accès à l'enseignement secondaire dans une capitale africaine : le cas de Ouagadougou
Restructuration de l'enseignement supérieur et reconfiguration des modalités d'accès et de réussite au Cameroun
Inside Beninese classrooms: an analysis of pedagogical models, their applications and social consequences
Inequality of instructional time and multi-level actors' responsibilities, representations and strategies in primary education in Senegal
Education norms and models circulation in west Africa: the role of social actors
La réforme éducative au Cap Vert : influence de l'assistance technique internationale
"Modernizing" the Qu'ranic school system in Senegal: analyzing actors' configuration in the process of a specific reform
Seeking new spaces of mobility and recognition: Senegalese migrants in Argentina
Mobility and cultural resistance: from a sand school to University in Egypt
Liminal passages: Mozambican students in Cuba
Academic mobility in Mozambican higher education: current trends in student outbound mobility
Malian students in higher education in Morocco: not only an escape from a failed education system but also a matter of social distinction
Transaquatic connections: mobility and belonging in the Great Lakes, 19th to 21st centuries
The historical trans-locality of Muslim life in colonial Bujumbura
'A disintegrated society': the Banyarwanda, mental health, and psychiatry in Kampala, 1951-72